Saturday, August 31, 2019

Barriers to Democratization in China

This article presents and enlightens the rationale for the failure of China in establishing a democratic system. Such topic is broad and extensive apparently because it attempts to explain the natural flow of democratization with relation to China that has yet to establish a democratic system. This also endeavors to enhance the understanding of democratization process on a certain country.The whole presentation of barriers to Chinese democratization is divided into phases and provides analytical framework in the further understanding of the nature of democratization process.Such phases are consisting of several factors which serve as the subordinate topics in demonstrating the impacts of these factors on Chinese democratization. Chinese Democratization Chinese democratization is of immense importance, both practically and theoretically. Although it is only one country, China represents between one-fifth and one-fourth of the world’s population. According to Rummel (1991), â₠¬Å"due to the undemocratic systems in twentieth-century China, millions suffered from political persecution and died unnatural deaths.† For example, more than twenty million starved to death in the famine of 1959–61. As late as 1989, hundreds of unarmed civilians were mowed down in the capital city of Beijing. Democracy may not work miracles, but it can avoid such tragedies (Rummel 1991). Presenting Barriers to Chinese Democracy I. Historical Legacy and Democracy This part of the article presents the assessment of the potential impact of historical legacy on the process of democratization in China. The general conditions, political thoughts, and political traditions go under this first factor.It initially looks at how some general conditions constrain Chinese political development and compares political thoughts with modern democracy and examines the way democratic or undemocratic Chinese political traditions were. Historical legacies are not of equal importance. Some a re trivial and transitory, such as people’s dress. Others are substantial and stable, such as people’s ways of treating one another. Modern democracy resulted from the interaction between Western traditions and modernization.Given China’s different historical path and its low level of modernization, its democratization process was in the grip of its historical legacies. By focusing on general conditions, political thoughts, and political traditions, this chapter suggests that China’s historical legacies pose a challenge to the democratization process. The vast territory and diverse conditions always create problems for governability and participation in traditional times. A long history tends to foster a cynical view of politics, just as a short history may facilitate an idealistic view of politics.A huge population not only decreases people’s incentive for participation, but also renders it difficult to change the rules of the game. China’s relative isolation from the West cost the Chinese the opportunity to learn from a great and dynamic civilization. All these forms formidable force of inertia that slows down and even blocks attempts to adopt new systems and habits in China. Indeed, few Western thoughts before the modern time were democratic, but the Athenian political and intellectual experiences, the Roman conception of citizenship and law, and Christianity’s conception of humanity did facilitate democracy as we know it today.By contrast, Confucianism, Legalism, Mohism, and Taoism contained some democratic elements, but none qualified as being democratic because of their failure to advocate popular sovereignty and individual liberty. As the dominant ideology in China, Confucianism was paternalistic in preaching benevolence and propriety. Despite its good intentions, its differences from democracy were huge. Kant’s remark that paternalism is the worst form of tyranny contains some truth. What further separates China from the West is their political traditions. Feudalism had dominated the West for a long time.It was characterized by its lack of equality, liberty, and a powerful central government. It deserves mentioning that not until the early 1860s were serfdom and slavery abolished in Russia and the United States, respectively. Against this historical background, the middle class in the West not only demanded equality and freedom denied by feudal systems, but also attempted to limit the rising power of the central government after the decline of feudalism. By contrast, traditional China witnessed a great deal of socioeconomic equality and freedom.Chinese political and economic systems allowed for a high level of social mobility. So the call for freedom and equality appealed less to the Chinese than to the Europeans. Compared with its European counterparts, the Chinese government was powerful. Theoretically, all the land and people belonged to the emperor. But China’s va st territory and traditional technology softened the impact of a bureaucratic empire. There were both enlightened and despotic rulers in Chinese history. When tyranny accompanied socioeconomic hardship, the Chinese exercised their right of rebellion.As a result, Chinese history seemed to be trapped in a â€Å"dynastic cycle. † Without modernization and foreign contacts, China might have found it difficult to break this cycle. II. Local Forces and Democracy During the second half of the 19th century, China experienced the decline of central power in contrast to the rise of many countries like the U. S. , Italy, and Prussia. In particular, the Taiping Rebellion which endured from 1851-64 had affected almost all the provinces in China proper, devastated its most prosperous regions, and had cost 20 to 40 million people dead.What further undermined the central power was the Nien Rebellion in the north from 1851 to 1868, the Miao Rebellion in the southwest from 1855 to 1872, and th e Moslem Rebellion in the northwest from 1862 to 1878. Collectively, these are referred to as local forces that decisively affect the democratization process in the Republican era. The establishment of the republic did not imply that the Chinese were willing or able to maintain democracy. Before the 1911 Revolution, most Chinese had no preference for democratic republicanism, and those who advocated democracy treated it less as an end than as a means to national power and wealth.But the revolution ruled out the possibility of establishing a new monarchy in China and ushered in the era of republicanism. The entire Republican era was mainly shaped by the shifting balance of power between the central government and local forces. Since the mid–nineteenth century, foreign powers and local forces had undermined the Manchu regime. During the 1911 Revolution, the independence of provinces doomed the Qing dynasty. Since the local forces continued to threaten the new republic, a strong man was needed to rule China.Yuan Shih-kai’s fight against disintegration served national interests and commanded widespread support. But his monarchical scheme discredited him, and his death created an opportunity for the rise of warlordism. During the warlord period, the central government not only lost control of local forces, but also was manipulated by powerful warlords. Against this background, the Nationalists cooperated with the Soviet Union to achieve national unification. The rise of local forces was nothing new in China. With its vast territory, regional diversity, and traditional technology, the empire always faced the danger of division.Since the respective authorities of central and local governments were not clearly defined, the central government might have too much or too little power. On balance, the former was a lesser evil than the latter. While rational rulers had little intention to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs, the lack of legitimacy motivat ed local satraps to maximize their profits. The Chinese fear of local forces appeared unwarranted in the eyes of foreigners, but it constituted a self-fulfilling prophecy. Idealizing a unitary system, many Chinese leaders would resort to violence and war for the sake of national unification.Accordingly, the fear of local forces led to war, which in turn justified people’s original fear. If the establishment of the new republic had little to do with the Chinese people’s democratic conviction, partisan conflict, domestic turmoil, and civil wars in the Republican era made the Chinese disillusioned with democracy. Indeed, democracy does not necessarily weaken state power, and no real democracy was put into practice in China. But there is no denying that the early phase of democratization tends to unleash divisive forces. Through legitimating diverse interests democracy risks undermining the central power.Historical examples abound. A weak confederation followed the America n Revolution. Fortunately, the founding fathers opted for a federal system, which struck a balance between central and local powers. Like many other countries, post-Revolution China experienced chaos and civil wars. The Revolution was intended to strengthen state power, but contributed to its further decline. The painful experience in the Republican era convinced the Chinese that a weak and divisive country needed a strong government, and that dictatorship represented a lesser evil than anarchy. III. World System and DemocracyAll countries have been dragged into the world system in the contemporary times. Unfortunately, this foreign system is unbeneficial to weaker countries and a monster that is beyond their control. It is no exaggeration, as Toynbee (1969) declares, to say that their modern history is one of their responses to foreign challenges. Before the end of World War II, China was one of the disadvantaged countries having deplorable status in the effect of world system†™s adversity to democratization processes. Without the modern world system, democratization might not have become an issue in China.However, such a system militated against the process of democratization in the Nationalist era in several ways. First, the nature of the world system was undemocratic, if not antidemocratic. What characterized this system was power politics and capitalism. The former treated might as right; the latter sought profits and ignored equality. To survive in such a world required a strong state, but not necessarily a democratic one. Given China’s low status in the world, the Chinese desired wealth and power rather than democracy.In fact, the Chinese accepted democracy, less because they embraced the value itself than because they saw it as a method to strengthen the state power. Second, liberal democracy was less attractive than it is today. Internal disturbance and foreign threats in 1930s provided the best justification for dictatorship. No wonder t hat the Nationalist government and many Chinese intellectuals found dictatorship both necessary and desirable. Third, the Japanese aggression made the Chinese democratization almost irrelevant.Indeed, the Sino-Japanese War facilitated partisan cooperation, stimulated Chinese nationalism, and helped democratize the world system. But amid foreign aggression, national survival took precedence over the call for democracy and human rights. Equally important, the war catapulted the Communists into formidable power and exacerbated socioeconomic problems the Nationalists had never been able to handle. As a result, a democratic solution to China’s political, economic, and social problems became difficult, if not impossible. Lastly, the Cold War system affected Chinese political development.The victory of the Soviet Union in World War II and the expansion of socialism into East Europe boosted the reputation of socialism in comparison with liberal democracy. Both superpowers wanted to i ncrease their own influence in China and sided with either the Nationalists or the Communists. It was no exaggeration to say that the evolution of the world system made possible the Communist triumph. IV. Socialist Values and Democracy Although the Mao era did well in promoting socioeconomic equality and deserved credit for encouraging mass participation, socialist China did not qualify as democracy as we know it.The one-party rule excluded the possibility for citizens to select rulers. Civil and political rights were ignored, if not flagrantly violated. The house-registration system and class label contravened the principles of liberty and equality. Millions suffered from political persecution. Even among the party itself, powerful struggles were frequent and cruel. What was worse, the Communists did not deliver on their own material promise. Living standards in Maoist China barely increased. In explaining the lack of democracy in China, one cannot ignore the role of Mao.It was Mao who hastened the socialist transformation, led the AntiRightists Campaign, initiated the Great Leap, encouraged the people’s communes, reversed the sensible guidelines of the Eighth Congress, and launched the Cultural Revolution. Without him, Chinese socialism would have taken different shape. But even without him, there would have been little chance for socialist China to be democratic. Authors like Berger (1993) and Almond (1991) believe that â€Å"the reality is that although countries with market economies have not necessarily been democratic, all democracies have coexisted with market economies†.Advocates of socialism see no contradiction between socialism and democracy. Ralph Miliband, for example, maintains that â€Å"socialist democracy would embody many of the features of liberal democracy, including the rule of law, the separation of powers, civil liberties, political pluralism, and a vibrant civil society, but it would give them much more effective meaning . It would seek the democratization of the state and of society at all levels (Miliband p. 117). This theoretical possibility has not yet translated into reality.C. B. MacPherson is more sophisticated in arguing that although existing socialist countries do not guarantee political freedom, this does not imply that socialism inevitably conflicts with democracy. He attributes the socialist failure in this respect to three specific factors. According to MacPherson (1973), â€Å"socialist countries were established in underdeveloped countries; they faced the hostility of Western powers; and their birth in revolution or civil war entailed the restriction of freedom. †The conflict between socialism and democracy cannot merely be explained by historical circumstances, but should be explained by the nature of both socialist revolution and the socialist system. By aiming at abolishing private property, socialist revolution inevitably invites the strongest opposition from all ruling an d propertied classes. As a result, socialists have to rely on violence to achieve their objective. Moreover, many scholars, like Belden (1949) and Talmon (1960) find the socialist preference for collective over individual rights to be at the root of totalitarianism.As early as 1848, Tocqueville stated that â€Å"democracy extends the sphere of individual freedom; socialism restricts it. Democracy attaches all possible value to each man; socialism makes each man a mere agent, a mere number. Democracy and socialism have nothing in common but one word: equality. But notice the difference: as quoted in Hayek (1972) that â€Å"while democracy seeks equality in liberty, socialism seeks equality in restraint and servitude. † The dictatorship of the proletariat may intend to serve the vast majority of the people, but it bodes ill for democracy and human rights.Lenin defines dictatorship as â€Å"nothing more or less than authority untrammeled by any laws, absolutely unrestricted by any rules whatever, and based directly on force† (Lenin p. 353). Socialists’ emphasis on class character ignores humanity and individuality, and their call for class struggle damages the social fabric. By dehumanizing class enemies, they tolerate and even extol the abuse of human rights. Not least of all, even if socialist rulers are well intentioned, a socialist economy provides the best pedestal for despotism.Public ownership and planned economy enable an all-powerful state to control people’s livelihood, to limit their freedom, and to foster their passivity and fear. V. Economic Development and Democracy Deng Xiaoping’s Era Deng’s reform policy was less political democratization than economic development. Nevertheless, close relations between these two processes determined that he had an important role to play in the process of democratization (Shambaugh 1995). Economic development and political democratization are both desirable, but they somet imes compete and even conflict with each other.Deng’s preference for economic development over political democratization was understandable. Human beings are more economic animals than political ones. Democracy appeals less to poor people in poor countries, and Deng’s political liberalization further decreased the Chinese desire for democracy. Deng first instituted the responsibility system in the countryside and later abolished the commune system. At the same time, he did his best to integrate China into the outside world. The success in rural reform shifted Deng’s attention to urban reform.Despite its limitations, the economic reform increased the people’s living standard, boosted the private sector, substituted a market economy for a planned economy, and internationalized the Chinese economy. All these had positive impacts on democratization, because they reduced the state power over the society, expanded an autonomous economic realm, decreased the eli te’s interest in seeking political power, and motivated better-off and better-educated people to demand more freedom and rights.Economic reforms, however, could not be deepened without political reform. Twice Deng wanted to institute political reforms, but they fell short of expectations. Deng never embraced liberal democracy. For him, democracy represented a means to economic development. When it jeopardized stability and unity, it would be abandoned. But Deng’s political reform received less credit than it deserves. Elections were permitted at local levels. Legal reforms moved China closer to the rule of law. With his administrative reform, old cadres gradually gave way to new technocrats.Although the Chinese did not enjoy positive freedom to participate in government affairs, they were granted negative freedom in their social and economic life. In short, Deng’s political reform represented a change in system rather than a change of system, and was characteriz ed not by democratization but by liberalization and institutionalization. Deng’s economic reform was a two-edged sword, providing more legitimacy to the Communist rule, and causing social unrest and public protests. The 1989 Tiananmen Incident reflected and reinforced the legitimacy crisis.The mass protests originated from people’s dissatisfaction with their economic situations and social injustice, but did not mean that they wanted to overthrow Communist rule. Although the repression temporarily stabilized the situation, the legitimacy crisis became much severer. Like most authoritarian rulers, Deng had no choice but to rely on further economic development to regain legitimacy. Since then, Chinese leaders and people have followed the East Asian model, putting development before democratization.Conclusion All of the above factors presented are apparently legitimate and convincing when it comes to the realities happening in China. These barriers are enough to provide an swers to the issue of China democratization. This presentation provides knowledge with such potential factors and significantly deepens our knowledge of the nature of democratization process in a selected country. References Almond, Gabriel. â€Å"Capitalism and Democracy,† in PS: Political Science and Politics. September 1991: pp. 467–74.Belden, Jack. China Shakes the World. New York: Harper, 1949: p. 504. Berger, Peter. â€Å"The Uncertain Triumph of Democratic Capitalism,† in Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy Revisited. Ed. Larry Diamond and Marc F. Plattner. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1993: p. 3. Hayek, Friedrich. The Road to Serfdom. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1972: p. 25. Lenin, â€Å"A Contribution to the History of the Question of the Dictatorship. † in Collected Works, 31 (n. d. ): p. 353. MacPherson, C B.Democratic Theory: Essays in Retrieval. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1973: pp. 151–52. Miliband, Ralph.  "The Socialist Alternative,† in Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy Revisited. Ed. Diamond and Plattner, p. 117. Rummel, R J. China’s Bloody Century: Genocide and Mass Murder since 1900. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers, 1991. Shambaugh, David, ed. Deng Xiaoping: Portrait of a Chinese Statesman. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1995. Talmon, Jacob. The Origins of Totalitarian Democracy. New York: Praeger, 1960.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Global Tourism and the Causes and Effects on the Aboriginal Hospitality Sector Essay

Abstract Of all the industries in contemporary global times, it is apt to say that tourism plays an important role in the economy of a certain country. According to some studies made about tourism, it contributes around 3.6 Trillion US Dollars in the economic activity of different countries worldwide. Nowadays, global tourism is considered as one of the most enormous forces that move people from one place to another and it is also considered as the best way to introduce people to different cultures and social exchanges. With this thought, it can be said that tourism has a very special capability of touching each and every one around the world. Since the emergence of global tourism in the 19th and 20th century, localities and cultural interactions and changes have always been major catalysts in promoting each and every area in different countries. Country governments have seen the effect of culture thus a call to develop aboriginal sectors to be developed. Different indigenous communities now recognize the importance of tourism and its role in bridging the nations thereby cooperation between societies and communities that include aborigines and aboriginal sectors have been established recently. It can also be seen that different cultural places were developed and renovated to attract more tourists and visitors that could be interested in the cultural exchange that tourism brings and this also starts their career in tourism most especially that the main goal for visiting these cultural and aboriginal places is the culture itself. However, are the effects mainly good or beneficial? Do the aborigines like the way their places are being used for tourism or can they not just find a way to protest against these all? This paper aims to answer these questions at the same time present the relationship that lies between the global tourism and aboriginal sectors and the causes and effects global tourism brings to these aboriginal hospitality sectors. The Aborigines Aborigines are the original inhabitants of a certain country. In the past, there were reports of aborigines’ survival most especially in Australia, Taiwan, Canada and other places. There are different types of aboriginal people all over the world and for them; the most important thing is their land. Before invasions and colonization occurred in many different places of the world, aborigines used to live in not so permanent communities. They do agriculture, fishing, hunting and animal-raising. Since the advent of industrialization, most to these aborigines were forced to transfer and move and some of them are now in towns living a very bad condition of life. In some countries, they work as low-class laborers and in some countries, they live as pan-handlers and beggars in order to keep up with their lives. Country 2005 2006 2007 Australia 400,000 517,200 450,000 Canada 938,800 1.1M 1.2 M Taiwan 398,000 379,000 484,00 Looking at the above table, it may be noted that though aborigines have not been treated equally as the rest, the population has been high however in the past two years, there was a gradual decrease in their population because of certain diseases that were not given much attention to. These people are said to be the original land-owners but most of their lands were stolen to them. Fortunately, there are laws now protecting the aborigines. In Australia, British people claimed that when the invasion happened, the land was vast and empty. Fortunately, there are laws now that aims to protect the rights of the aborigines and there were bills saying that their lands should be returned to them. There were some who are still against this bill saying that the lands will end up useless if given to them and that these lands should never be returned to these people. Some were even massacred and others because they are being deprived of the basic rights either commit suicide or died because of the disease such as cholera and other epidemic. Compared to others, these people have high rate of birth and suicide as well (Aborigines 2008). Some people see the need to give them back their lands and recently, the problem and the call of these people has been addressed through tourism. Some of them now have already secured ownership of their lands and were given the signal to go back under certain conditions and terms as stipulated under the ruling of global tourism. The question is if they are going to cooperate with these terms and conditions. Global Tourism and the Aborigines Culture and tourism can never be separated. Since the advent of technology and industrial revolution, culture seemed to be drifting away or is becoming independent of tourism. Now, there are many amusement centers such as Disneyland, man-made tourist attractions and sightseeing but what most people are looking for now and are wishing to see is something that would connect them and link them to the past. This is the start of aboriginal lands being converted into cultural attractions. In Canada and in Australia, many cultural attractions have been built and these places are continuously drawing the attention of mass tourists. To some aborigines, it is good and government started talking with them and the start of global tourism also implied the beginning of renewed hope for these people. Some lands were converted to attractions and people go there everyday to see how aborigine’s cultural heritage. Aboriginal sectors and organizations have been established and the commendable development is that most of these sectors encourage cooperation with government and society. Now the government recognizes the opportunity for travel and the importance of culture as part of travel. Educational tourism also recognizes the importance of these people and most institutes and schools se them to educate students who were long been taught of history and culture. Because of these, aborigines were also given the chance for education unlike before when they were all illiterate and uneducated. If in the past, these people were fearful of others and vice versa and cooperation and coordination is now seen. Most of them have now decent forms of survival. They are not only in their lands; they were also slowly and gradually being exposed to others which is a good thing for them. Nowadays, aborigines have been gradually rising and they are now playing a very important role in the society. Looking at the graph above, the property of aborigines is now becoming greater. The properties of aborigines now range from corporations down to private enterprises. The Causes of Global Tourism to Aboriginal Sectors In 1999, a conference was held and presented to the WTO or World Tourism Office. This conference was about the Global Code of Ethics for tourism (The Global 2007). Accordingly, there is a continuing desire and goal in tourism to play a very essential role in understanding the cross culture. It was said in this conference that through the direct and straight spontaneous contacts engendered by different lifestyle and cultures, the only way to make these people meet is through tourism. Nowadays, many indigenous communities now participate in tourism-related activities to further support the revival of culture as well as to sustain the economy and to further understand the cross-cultural needs and differences. Indeed there is an underlying relationship between culture, indigenous heritage, and the themes for interpretation, authenticity, traditional lands protection, IPO or Intellectual Property Rights and the evidence of traditional knowledge. Aboriginal cultural tourism around the world is relatively young and it is believed that they are still new in the industry. Some may have liked the idea of becoming a subject for studies and tourism and some do not. The causes of global tourism may be considered two-faced: good and bad. To some aborigines, the idea of meeting people of these times is good. They learn to mingle and be appreciated as well. However, this is something new for them and some sociologists and psychologists assert that this may cause these people to be over-shocked and consequently be mentally affected. They are still considered to be different and they are still indigenous in any way we look at it. Their breeding, education, lifestyle, and culture are totally different from the norm. They know this for sure, and like any other minor ethnicities being joined with the many, they also feel different and this is bad for them. This is one reason why some still feel deprived and used inequitably. The mental effect for these people is considered to be a psychological outcome of environment. Their worlds were suddenly opened to the universe; thus, to comprehend and address the psychological needs of these people is imperative. They should undergo counseling, psychological treatment and psychotherapy to be able to reach closure with regards to issues about their cultural heritage that haunt them in contemporary times. The Effects of Global Tourism to Aboriginal Organizations and Sectors Accordingly, it of utmost importance to understand the host and tourist relationship; and there are some pertinent issues to be considered in this regard. Primarily, the nature of cultural exchange needs to be understood. In some studies made in tourism, it is asserted that activities should be understood between non-indigenous and indigenous people. To tourists and visitors, the effect is good because their awareness, appreciation and understanding of the aborigines are improved. The used to be harsh and fear-filled relationship is changed because tourists become aware of the underlying needs of these people. However, to aboriginal sectors and organizations, there is a critical perspective to create cross-cultural understanding and education among various cultures. The questions that need to be answered are the following: What is the nature of the activities that are to be done? To what extent will these people (aborigines) be used for global tourism and to what extent will global tourism be used by these people (aborigines)? What are the mechanisms and processes that need to be utilized to make sure that interpretation are laid in a sensitive manner? How important is education in recognizing the connection between various cultures? As many analyze this situation continuously, the very important factors that could give good effect to these aboriginal sectors and organizations are the following (Aboriginal 2007): cultural tourism industry cross-cultural understanding cultural revival policy, legislation and committees consent and the recognition of deeds operating agreements and shared revenues management training, skills and authenticity indigenous status and identity consultation process, protocols and status How to Sustain Cultural Tourism Aboriginal sectors and cultural tourism are always connected. There is an authentic and real depiction of the cultures of the aborigines in such a way that the effect on culture and community will not have a negative long-term effect. Accordingly, in order to support and sustain the cultural tourism, there should be a focus in owning, sustaining, as well as accepting the desire in which the aboriginal sectors and organizations are affected. This is also extremely important in sustaining the economic activities. However, though these needs are named, there are still elements that need to be addressed and that is to fill the gap between the barriers to support the economic and infrastructure operations. The Type of Cultural Exchange between Aborigines and Global Tourism There are different ways in which the cultural tourism is managed and the most important part of it is the cultural exchange between global tourism and aborigines. First and foremost, it is very important to understand the types of the cultural exchange that occurs and how to support or work on them. The reason for this is that there are many types of aborigine and that the way they are treated and educated should also be different. Accordingly, the most important thing to overcome is the traditional knowledge. The traditional knowledge includes storytelling, oral history, teachings of the elders and contemporary exhibits and displays. There are also traditional cultural presentations, traditional teachings, historical reenactments and food preparation. The information about these is treated separately. These things can be addressed by many formats, guidelines, guided tours, audio visual presentation and interactive workshops. Significant emphasis should also be given and to avoid problems and conflicts. This is to provide boundaries between the cultural practice and sacredness; thus best practices should be ensured. What are the Best Practices to be Observed? In order to develop and deliver the cultural heritages and programs, it is necessary that certain tools and mechanisms be used. The very first mechanism should be predominant in ensuring the cultural products authenticity and the community based processes should be recognized. Because the aborigines follow a community based relationship, decisions should always be approved by the elders before going ahead with the operations. In souvenirs and cultural products description, there should also be recognition in the participation of these people. Moreover, the history by which the cultural tourism in a certain place that includes the aborigines should also be recognized, introduced and emphasized. This way, these aboriginal sectors and organizations will not be bypassed. Conclusion The relationship between global tourism and aboriginal sector cannot be separated much more on the basis of the evaluation of the long-term implications of global tourism on aboriginal sectors and organizations and vice versa. While it is true that there are many things that are mutually beneficial in such a relationship, it is still very much essential to take hold of the bad effects and find ways on how these will be overcome. Aboriginal sectors and organizations are composed of human beings that are not different from us. The only difference that lies between the aborigines and common people is the fact that they are born with a different culture and that in the past; they were shattered and deprived of their own lands by colonizers and invaders. Understanding these things will help us address their needs and will greatly help in the empowerment of the global tourism industry. The only key is understanding and give and take relationship. With this, both sides will benefit; the aborigines who will benefit from getting back their lands at the same time being given jobs and means for living, the business entities who also get profit from their business and from tourism, the visitors and tourists being greatly aware of the culture and cross-cultural diversity and lastly the nature that is given much care by the people who lived in these places originally and at the same time being taken care of by people who are starting to be aware of their needs. It is rather simple to do all these things. Proper knowledge, education, increased awareness and respect are the key factors that will create a good case which will be positive and sustainable for all parties involved. References Reference Canada Government. (2007). Resources for Aboriginal Entrepreneurs. Retrieved March 09, 2008. from Aboriginal Business Canada is a program that endorses commerce for a self-sufficient economy for all aborigines in Canada. Different kinds of services are available for viewing. These are all designed to help aborigines in commerce and in business. Survival. (2008). Aborigines. Retrieved March 09, 2008. from Survival was founded in 1969. Survival (The Movement for tribal people) is the site designed for all Australian aborigines especially for the people of Torres Island. Services and campaigns can be seen here. The services range from education to shopping and any concerns that can help these aborigines. World Tourism Organization. Retrieved March 09, 2008. from is the official website of World Tourism Organization. This website is designed to show and provide information about global and world tourism. The basic ethics for tourism can be found in this site. The Global Ethics for Tourism was designed in 2001.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Being Alone

Accountant†¦no amount of money can be compared for the happiness I brought to my family including my clan in both side of my parents. I’ve realized that being a rat of this year refers to my personality, the mouse must need to run for the purpose of saving his life while the cat run for his need so he must eat the mouse†¦isn’t it true? The point is why I would rather waste my life for no reason, I could stand up on my own without relying from the source of others†¦I need to sacrifice the alf of me just to prove I’m still not withdrawing what I’ve been promised before†¦ The half of the year finally came and LandBank hired me as a Bookkeeper†¦the chance for regularization is not possible but still, the status can’t predict for many reasons and considerations. My life became better for I found more friends, I have part-time job with my landlady who is an Independent Auditor, also a CPA, I became busy with my job and attending every Sunday on Victory†¦ maybe one way to forget all the heartaches and it lessens whatever stress I have. The blessings I received for the 2008, the bonus I get from my work, in a little way I hope my family appreciate what I’ve been shared with them, I’m thankful for those people who made my year very fruitful. God continuously give all we need so we must keep Lord in our Heart and always share His glory†¦. the very reason why unexpected things happen, whether it is good or bad.. is the love of God for us. For me, the time is not enough to return all the sacrifices He made for us so never surrender our trust and faith to Him while we use the life we borrow from Him, enjoy and be patient in everything we do. What had been promise will be done through Jesus Christ in a right time. Yes, the year is now 2009, 2008 still had an impact with my life, will always be a part of my memory. I’m ready to finish the pain and face the new set of challenges!!! yehey!!!! What more important is to accept our mistake and how you’ll make it right .. saying sorry to someone will the best way to free yourself. .

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Developing states Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Developing states - Essay Example As pointed out, some states within world nations are generally termed as ‘developing’ because those states show development in certain areas, but certain problems hinder those states from attaining development. For instance, less industrialization is a serious problem faced by the developing states in Asia and Latin America. Comparing with poor states/nations, the standard of living in the developing states is comparatively high. But this does not prove that the standard of living in the developing states is similar to that of the developed nations in Europe and America. On the other side, most of the developing states lack economic independence. â€Å"These nations have often been handicapped by poor infrastructure, inadequate education, rampant corruption, and high trade barriers.†1 So, one can see that income disparity is a common problem faced by developing states. Still, developing states share certain societal, financial and political characteristics. For instance, most of the developing states were under colonial rule. This resulted in the amalgamation of certain colonial elements with social structure of these states. For instance, one can easily identify the influence of European cultural characteristics in the developing states in Asia and Africa. Besides, almost all the developing states face the problem of unequal distribution of wealth. To be specific, the inefficient political systems within these states allow the elite class to enjoy all the economic benefits. So, one can see that developing states share certain common characteristics, apart from poor and developed states. Summing, the developing states show progress, but the same is insufficient to term these states as developed. In addition, lack of effective political system is an important problem faced by developing states. One can see that the efficiency of political system can lead a nation towards rapid economic development. Still, the political systems within

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

S2. Costs of Lending ,read this part through the workbook and write Essay

S2. Costs of Lending ,read this part through the workbook and write down the understand of the . Costs of Lending - Essay Example Money can be made in profit if the measures employed in ensuring that the payment of money are clear so that money can compensate and be relent again. Costs are undergone and lending money this because if the money is not paid the agency undergo major costs if were enough collateral repay the cash A cost of lending is a thought that should be put under consideration when one is undertaking any money lending transaction. For this reason the costs of lending are the real consequences that are faced by the commercial institutions during and after lending money to organizations or individuals (Leila 2011). There are several hard ships and expenses that are undergone during the process of lending money. This might involve the bank into ending into very dangerous bad debts which will make the bank work at a loss which is highly dangerous for any commercial institution. Commercial and Corporate Lending As to my research commercial lending is the process by which money is lent to an establis hed organization as credit so that the operations taking place in the organization can proceed (Lance 2002). This money is lent to the business entity so as to give a hand in the operational expenses in the organization and also other forms of capitals required in the organization (Lance 2002). ... that when loans are secured from a commercial institution the first thing that they feature is attaining collateral from the party who requires the loan. Under my opinion corporate lending is just identical to getting a personal loan it is only that the money transaction will not take place between the bank and the person but it is normally made from the bank to a company. This lending is usually used with the involvement of the asset, structured finance or through the help of the cash flow (Kaplan 2008). For this reason this risk of one attaining a non payable amount of cash is discouraged because the person who requires the loan will receive a share that is directly proportional to the assets owned by the individual or company. Commercial Lenders Commercial lenders are the financial institutions that lend money to organizations and individuals with hard collateral being put in place as security to the loan (Kaplan 2008). These lenders include commercial banks, private lending insti tutions, hard money lenders and also financial groups that have enough amounts that can be used to lend. They have their own policies each that govern the transactions involving money so that they can evaluate the persons who are capable of getting their loans (Kaplan 2008). The commercial lenders are extremely attractive and one can access them through brokers who direct them to the money lenders. The brokers earn from looking for customers which is solely catered for by the customer or the borrower. Importance of Commercial Lenders The commercial lenders give the organizations and other individual who require cash in order to build and uplift the living conditions of the countries and the societies where they live. This will lead to growth and expansion of the country and the societies

Monday, August 26, 2019

Knowledge Management - Discussion 3 Knowledge Generation Assignment

Knowledge Management - Discussion 3 Knowledge Generation - Assignment Example Techniques utilized are brainstorming, observation, and brainstorming. Organization should first determine the knowledge needed, current organization knowledge, and then fills in the gaps by developing new knowledge or through acquisition. It requires a fast and inexpensive way to use both internal and external knowledge. Knowledge acquisition is used to codify explicit knowledge, as well as converting tacit knowledge into explicit knowledge. It eases an organization, location, and use of knowledge. For this reason, Nestle has incorporated information technologies to the acquisition and share knowledge. Developing knowledge in an organization can be done by getting ideas from customers, suppliers, and creating space for new ideas. The knowledge can be developed through vast array of collaborative research with competition. Today, companies are looking for strategies to access external knowledge creation by collaborating with research institutions. Nestle has approximately 20 research centers all over the world that work together with field research experts. It brings people together with different perspectives in order to generate solutions. However, individual do not share the knowledge freely, and they need to be motivated in order to create, share, and use knowledge. According to Karlsen and Gottschalk (115) knowledge fusion is one of the key processes in knowledge generation. Knowledge fusion is an important component of knowledge management system of an organization. The right information should be available at the right time. Also, it can save time and improve the quality and providing solutions in an organization. Adaptation is the ability of the firm to change by utilizing the existing resources in new ways, opening to change or having high absorptive powers. It is ability to balance between the exploration of new opportunities and the utilization of existing certainties within an organization (Reber 228).

When interpreting statutes, do judges simply give effect to the will Essay

When interpreting statutes, do judges simply give effect to the will of Parliament or do they amend statutes under the guise of interpretation - Essay Example 2). Therefore, statutory interpretation refers to the process of expounding and giving explanation for the easy understanding of the legal system. Dalhuisen (2014) states that statutory interpretation in England is an ongoing change with a purposive approach hence promoting the overall legislative aim of enactments. This paper is a discussion of how the English statutes are interpreted; it is to find out whether the judges simply give effect to the will of the Parliament or they amend the statutes under the guise of interpretation when interpreting the statutes. In answering the question, the paper will first give a brief description of the will of the Parliament and the amendment of statutes in the English legal or judicial system. It is reported that the will of the English Parliament is only expressed through an Act of Parliament (Twining and Miers 2010). This means it has vital concrete effects thereby preventing forceful imposition of decrees upon the law by an autocratic or a despotic leader. This is unlike what characterize the French assemblies where dictatorial monarchs conduct abrupt resolutions on the law to suit personal interests. This principle in which Parliament speaks singly through an Act of Parliament immensely increases the authority of the English judges (Dicey 2013). Hence any bill which has been subjected to a statute automatically becomes subject to the judicial interpretation. It is also reported that the independence of the English Parliament ensure that it does not interfere with other authorities of the regular c ourse of law. The amendment of a statute refers to a designed process of alteration applied to make changes in an existing legal structural provision (Slapper and Kelly 2010). In the event of an amendment textual codification is applied because there is an adoption of a new provision which substitutes the existing contents. However, this procedure has one main challenge that the amendment has very limited sense or meaning

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Summarizing articles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Summarizing articles - Essay Example He offers that such can be achieved through building relationships and complementing customers in brand marketing. In this article, the author observes that emotions supersede reason and logic whenever customers make a decision on what to buy. He points out that effective management of B2B should be focused on creating a personal relationship with the business. Here, Julie Davis, the author, points that the age of technology has enabled businesses to reach their customers through various online platforms. He advises that both B2B and B2C should listen to customers’ feedback that would enable them improve their customer service. In this article, Larry Myler focuses on B2B strategies for improved sales. Myler offers that focusing on an established goal is the first step. He proceeds to outline that such a goal should address different buyers, establish trust and reduce cost of operation amongst others. Davis argues that in order for a B2B to benefit from online marketing, it has to improve its SEO. He offers that doing so would entail trying to understand customer search habits, investment in a competent IT department and expand its SEO terms to have more traffic. Garvin Finn asserts that many B2B fail to innovate owing to the fear of change of strategy. He offers that many cling to a strategy that is not working owing to a kind of fear he terms cognitive dissonance. He advises that B2B should just explore alternative solutions. In this article, Peter Friedman observes that although millennials are techno-savvy, they should not be entirely left in charge of social media marketing. He advises that millennials would impart a B2B positively by allowing them work under a senior who directs their efforts and skills appropriately. The articles have helped me understand the topics addressed in B2B in the following ways. To begin with, the articles have helped me

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Implementation of STEM Education Programs in Schools Article

Implementation of STEM Education Programs in Schools - Article Example Implementation in this context means an amalgamation of concepts from the three disciplines. In the article, the authors are of the thought that it would be tasking to effectively implement teaching and learning of these concepts without incorporating the contribution of languages, arts as well as the social sciences (Satchwell and Loepp, 2002). The process curriculum has seen an effectual implementation of the STEM subjects in schools. The successful implementation as the authors argue, involved the contribution of the project team, and the design panel who were involved in revising the curriculum so as to incorporate the needs of all learners (Satchwell and Loepp, 2002). Information from all stakeholders was collected, all in an attempt to ensure quality implementation of the STEM program. Through the process, the learners in Middle schools have been indicated to not only explore the ideas in the concerned disciplines but also apply the ideas in various contexts (Satchwell and Loepp, 2002). This is a clear elucidation of the fact that implementation of the STEM curriculum in schools has been successful. However, it is significant to draw attention to the verity that the authors clearly emphasize that the implementation process has been faced with a myriad of challenges. Among the challenges involve the teachers’ need to learn novel content in the present setting (Satchwell and Loepp, 2002). Some teachers have also had a negative attitude towards implementing the STEM curriculum; thus, hindering successful implementation. Authentic tests have also been a major impediment as the students’ progress was not consistent throughout the learning process (Satchwell and Loepp, 2002). Nonetheless, the authors appreciate the fact that classroom management has played an immense role in ensuring that STEM disciplines are implemented (Satchwell and Loepp, 2002). Schools that managed to design tests that

Friday, August 23, 2019

Consumer Behaviour Term Paper - Company Analysis Essay

Consumer Behaviour Term Paper - Company Analysis - Essay Example BA is traded on the London Stock Exchange and the New York Stock Exchange.(LSE:BAY,NYSE:BAB)The current share price, as on 27th march is  £499.(with a 52 week high of  £579.5 and a low of  £277.0). The origin of British Airways corresponds to the origin of the civil aviation industry in the world. On Aug 25,1919 British Airways forerunner company Aircraft Transport and Travel(AT&T) introduced the world’s first daily international scheduled air service between London and Paris. On 31st March 1924, Britian’s four airlines-Instone, Handley Page, Daimler Airways and British Air Marine Navigation-were amalgamated to form Imperial Airways. In 1935 a number of small UK air transport companies merged to form the original privately owned British Airways Ltd.In 1939 Imperial Airways and British Airways were nationalized to form British Overseas Airways Corporation(BOAC).After the second world war BOAC continued to operate long-haul services while continental European and domestic flights were operated by a newly formed company-British European Airways(BEA).In 1972 BOAC and BEA were combined under the British Airways Board which lead to the creation of British Airways in 19 74. In 1981, a management team was instituted under the chairmanship of Lord King with the objective to run the corporation on more commercial lines turns around its financial performance and prepare it for potential privatization (which implied full transfer of ownership to the private sector rather than simply a sale of minority interest.)The new regime sought to re-organize the company in a number of ways including the following: BA continued to be a public corporation until 1984 when it became a public limited company (plc) in readiness for floatation. In early 1987 the Government sold the entirety of it’s stake in the airline,ie;no minority interest was retained and sales proceeds of  £900 million were realized. The company is enjoying robust financial health. For the year ending 31st March

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Compare and Contrast Goodbye My Brother and Sonnys Blues Essay Example for Free

Compare and Contrast Goodbye My Brother and Sonnys Blues Essay No story can be as touching as family relationships and reconciliation and when it comes to family, two of the most famous stories about brothers are Sonnys Blues and Goodbye My Brother. Goodbye My Brother is said to be one of John Cheevers greatest literary success while Sonnys Blues garnered widespread critical claim for James Baldwin. It is interesting to note that by comparing and contrasting the two, there are a lot of striking lessons about what to do and what not to do when it comes to dealing with family relationships can be learned from these stories. John Cheevers Goodbye My Brother is a story that centers around the Pommeroy family. The family is composed of the widow mother, Mrs. Pommeroy, and her four children named Diana, Chaddy, Lawrence and the one narrating the story. All of the children are grown up and are all living their separate lives and this reunion in particular was a special one because they have not seen Lawrence in four years. Diana is divorced and is living in France, Chaddy is a successful businessman who lives in New York, Lawrence the youngest is a lawyer and the narrator teaches the secondary school. The Pommeroys can be considered as an upper class family who got together in Lauds Head in New England for a family reunion at their old beach house. The narrator openly talked about the siblings general dislike for Lawrence and despite the efforts of their mother, he refused to reach out and be a part of their family. This apparent tension between Lawrence and their mother has a history. Lawrence was only sixteen years old when he said said that Mother was overly strong, mischievous and destructive. He was in boarding school back then and he did not come home for Christmas, after which, he seldom comes home. Everything seems to be going as expected until the unnamed narrator brother beats his brother Lawrence who seemed distance since the beginning of the story. (Cheever, p. 1-10). This melodramatic tale was one of the earliest stories written by Cheever who has been compared with Dante because he perceives God as a mystical being. As a writer he gives emphasis to the incandescence of the earth and it can be aptly observed that many paragraphs from his works hardly pass without him invoking the luminosity of the world. This mystical notion is the reason why many people think that Cheever does not pay attention on God. Goodbye My Brother has a very unexpectedly strange ending. The story ends with Helen and Diane walking like naked goddesses out of the sea and as such, it is safe to say that the title is inconsistent with the ending (Wood, p. 1163). However, other commentators who read this story appreciated the powerful language used by Cheever in the ending. According to them, the ending illustrated the familiarity of the author with King James and Shakespeare (Boyle, p. 1). In general, the mastery of the author in incorporating symbolism through his work can be best appreciated in this ending. It can be noticed that Cheever uses water as a main symbolic element that clearly demonstrates how the ebb and flow of the ocean waters can be related to mens existence. The narrator described the family get together as warm and tender which is in clear contrast with the exasperation that Lawrence is feeling with his family. This story gives the readers an exercise of their point of view as they observe the striking contrast between the optimism and the pessimism of human nature in the personality of the two brothers, the sunny and prejudicial unnamed narrator and his saturnine youngest brother Lawrence. On the other hand, Sonnys Blues by James Baldwin is another masterpiece that the readers love to read about two brothers and since the story of Goodbye My Brother is also about brotherly relationships, most readers can find that a mixture of the two relationships can give them a glimpse of what it would be like if they were to cooperate with each other or let pride and hatred get in the way of family. Sonnys Blues is a story of how two African American brothers react to the â€Å"blues† of each other and how they handle their inner conflicts. The feelings experienced by the main characters is called â€Å"blues†, which is a mental and emotional state that arose from the recognition of the limitation imposed mostly in the case of African Americans by the racial barriers to the opportunities that they often encounter. The narrator, who makes his living as a school teacher and his brother who is a jazz pianist make their way into the world struggling to understand the other party (Flibbert, p. 32). The narrators first instinct was to believe the story in the newspaper. It said that his brother was arrested for dealing with heroin and for him, it was not very hard to believe. He started feeling scared for Sonny and it is here that the narrator has started to relate the fear that he has lived with his whole life. Little did he know that this event will serve as a catalyst for their closeness. While still in shock, the narrator was forced to confront their past. When a friend of the narrator went to his school to bring his the news about Sonny, he said that he abruptly hated him. (Baldwin, p. 2). However, as the narrator continues to express his sentiments, he realizes that he feels a little bit guilty for not listening to him before. The friend goes on to talk about the effects of heroine in the body and as the conversation goes on, a hidden care for his brother can be sensed from the narrator. He even sent a letter to Sonny and this correspondence continues until Sonny returned to New York. This story has several flashbacks that contribute to the readers comprehension of the history of the distance of the two brothers and how they both overcome that distance little by little. In the last scene of the story, the narrator found himself in a jazz club where his brother works and so he understood that this was indeed what Sonnys world looks like. This is where the two brothers were finally reunited by music as the narrator listens to his Sonny and his friends. The usual experience of suffering is one of the things that makes men relate to each other and by denying these feelings, the narrator has denied himself a place among his community and friends. This last scene illustrates how the narrator took one more step into discovering his brother and how through his own suffering and Sonnys example, he found himself in the brotherhood and company of men (Murray p. 197). The common theme of Goodbye My Brother and Sonnys Blues is family relationships. What makes these story appealing and real is the amazing insight that John Cheever and James Baldwin have on familial relationships. These two authors were able to successfully explore the notion of identity and social context in the stories and the readers feel a more personal connection with the character because they were told from a first persons point of view. James Baldwins Sonnys Blues opens when the narrator found out through a newspaper that his brother was arrested for heroin dealing. Interestingly, the two stories involve two brothers but in contrast, Sonny Blues talks about how the two brothers were able to understand each other and Goodbye My Brother talks about the misunderstanding and refusal to reach out between two brothers. The striking contrast can be seen at the ending of the two stories. Goodbye My Brother ends with the bathing of Helen and Dianne at sea. After the fight of the unnamed narrator and Lawrence, nothing was said about them making amends and things were left the way they were. On the other hand, Sonnys Blues ends very well. At first, the two brothers here were distant like the brothers in Goodbye My Brother but over time, they have come to understand each other. Starting from the moment of Sonnys arrest, the two brothers are getting closer and closer and in the end of the story, Sonny declared the narrator as his brother for the very first time (Baldwin, p. 23). Unlike here in Sonnys Blues, the brother in Goodbye My Brother both lack the willingness to reach out and make an effort to fix their relationship and understand each other. Some critics mentioned that the ending of Goodbye My Brother displayed the authors familiarity with the King James version and that of Shakespeares works (Boyle, p. 1). In the same way, Sonnys Blues also depicts Baldwins biblical sense. These two stories both use symbolism which makes the story profoundly interesting to the readers. The narrator Baldwins story can be likened to the character of Cain. In Genesis, after Cain kills his brother Abel, God asks Cain about his brother and he answered by saying that he is not his brothers keeper. The final conversation between the narrator and his mother sends a message to the readers that their mother wants him, to be his brothers keeper but the narrator failed in doing his duty and this failure was made clear in the opening lune of the story. The narrators act of relying on the newspaper to know the whereabouts of his brother is not a sign of keeping his promise to his mother that he will take care of Sonny. As a matter of fact, Sonny did not even phone him after the arrest was made and this only shows the distance between them in the start of the story (Tackach, p. 4). Lastly, both stories carry a social message that many people today will find applicable. In Goodbye My Brother, the refusal of the brothers to fix their broken relationship was the primary factor that led to the violent ending of their relationship and as the title implies, the brothers are ready to cut their bond to each other while in contrast, it is the willingness of Sonny and his brother that led to the harmonious reconciliation of their relationship. Happy ending or not, many people learned what life is like for those who harden their hearts and for those who open them for it is in the shared intensity of suffering that darkness is pierced and a new ray of hope is born. Works Cited Baldwin, James. Sonnys Blues in Vintage Baldwin. New York: Vintage. 2004. Print. Boyle, T. â€Å"On Learning to Appreciate John Cheevers Stories†. NPR. org. NPR. 2006. Web. 2010. http://www. npr. org/templates/story/story. php? storyId=5652619. Cheever, John. The Stories of John Cheever. New York: Random House, Inc. 1978. Print. Flibbert, Joseph. Sonnys Blues: Overview in Reference Guide to Short Fiction. US: St. James Press. 1994. Print. Murray, Donald. James Baldwins Sonnys Blues:Complicated and Simple. NY: Newberry College. 1977. Print. Tackach, James. â€Å"Biblical Foundation of James Baldwins â€Å"Sonnys Blues†. BNET. 2007. Web. 20 May 2010. http://findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_qa3777/is_200701/ai_n19197653/pg_4/ Wood, Ralph. The Modest and Charitable Humanism of John Cheever. Christian Century. USA: Christian Century Foundation. 1982. Print.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Understanding Culture and Multicultural Education Essay Example for Free

Understanding Culture and Multicultural Education Essay Culture has no standard definition but rather various definitions are existent depending on its usage. One of the many definitions of culture is that it is a system of collective ideals, behaviors, beliefs, values, and artifacts among members of a society which is passed from one generation to another. This system is utilized in the interaction of the members of a society with each other and to the rest of the world. Culture is transmitted to the younger generation through inculcation of the components of the system to the young based on what they observe in the society or group that they belong(Hanley ). Another definition of culture is that it is a process of molding the moral and intellectual faculties through education. It is also defined as a set of values, norms, beliefs, and traditions which is shared by people that belongs to the same group or organization(Culture, 2007). Culture thus is a way of life of a cluster of people. It is a summation of the acquired behavior of a group of people that separates those who belong to that group from those who do not. The existence of students from various ethnic, racial, cultural, and social-class groups in one education system lead to the emergence of a discipline that aims to solve the differences that goes along with the different backgrounds of students. This discipline is termed as multicultural education and the goal of this is to provide equal educational opportunities to students from different backgrounds. This system focuses on providing guidance to students in obtaining knowledge, skills, and attitudes which are essential in participating in a pluralistic democratic society. The things that the students will acquire through this type of discipline will enable them to interact, communicate, and negotiate effectively among people from different walks of life so that a moral and civic community that will thrive for a common good will be established(Laboratory, 2004). Multicultural education enables the students to learn and appreciate the similarities and differences of other student’s culture from their own. The materials which are utilize in multicultural education portrays the various groups realistically using not only the perspective from the person belonging to that group but perspectives of people who view a specific culture from different angles. Through this educational discipline the students are taught to value their own culture without degrading the culture of others. It promotes the acceptance of the flaws and positive attributes of one’s own culture as well as the realization that other cultures exists aside from one’s own(Multicultural Education, 2003). In multicultural education, all students are given equality in attaining the highest levels of education through implementing school policies, practices, and organization that supports this endeavor. Issues about sexism, racism, linguicism, ablism, classism, intolerance to other religions, heterosexism, and ageism are among the primary issues that are directly addressed in an institution that promotes multicultural education. The students will be able to work and interact with other students despite these issues that some of them are involved(Multicultural Education, 2003). In this education system the ethnic minority are not considered inferior to others. The people of color for example whom were victims of the then racists’ society are given equal rights to have proper education like the other students. The structure of the schools with multicultural education is reformed into a non-discriminating institution. The African American students fro example is not only taught about the history of their race but about others as well like the Asian Americans and Latino Americans. The interlinking between the races are taught to the students without bias to the white people’s history(Hanley ). Multicultural education serves as a medium for equality and social justice. It promotes not only a single culture but all the cultures of the world. Task C I already have preconceptions about the diversity in culture but my idea is somewhat generalized. I was not able to define what these differences were. Yes, I know that differences and biases exist; and these cause problems in the student’s process of obtaining knowledge. I did not know that the differences in culture encompass values, norms, beliefs, traditions, and language which I have researched. To solve the differences among students I was able to generate an idea that a multifaceted system can be implemented, and I did not know that there is a multicultural education that I capable of overcoming the differences among the students of different backgrounds. I also did not know that multicultural education has been advocated by various institutions already. My research made me aware that cultural differences and bias exist but a certain discipline which is in the form of multicultural education can be implemented to settle these differences among students. The research made me realize that culture is inculcated and passed through the latter generations by way of living. Thus if the education system promotes equality among these various cultures then students will be able to perceive that equality is a component of their cultures. The differences in language, religion, tradition, and beliefs would not matter to the students if the educators will provide an environment wherein all of these do not matter and only the desire to obtain knowledge is important. Students of various backgrounds can interact and coexist in their quest for knowledge in a harmonious way. My newly acquired understanding will help me teach in a manner that promotes the equality among my students that are from diverse cultures. I will promote the understanding of each others culture among my students. The activities that I will incorporate in my classes will serve as a medium for the learning and appreciation of the knowledge of other student’s culture aside from their own. Diversity in culture is inevitable but the quest for knowledge is the same in all the students so they deserve to have equal treatment. References Culture. (2007). Merriam-Webster Online Retrieved January 28, 2008 Hanley , M. S. The Scope of Multicultural Education. Laboratory, N. C. R. E. (2004). Multicultural Education. Learning Point Associates Retrieved January 28, 2008, from http://www. ncrel. org/sdrs/areas/issues/educatrs/presrvce/pe3lk1. htm Multicultural Education. (2003). National Association for Multicultural Education Retrieved January 28, 2008, from http://www. nameorg. org/resolutions/definition. html

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Effectiveness Of Antibacterial Antimicrobial Soaps

Effectiveness Of Antibacterial Antimicrobial Soaps Antibacterial soaps and detergents and their effectiveness has been the focus of attention in recent studies. Various individuals have questioned their added advantage over washing with plain soap and water. This research was therefore carried out to determine the effectiveness of these antibacterial / antimicrobial soaps. From the past studies, washing with antibacterial soaps has been found not to be clinically different from washing with plain soap and water. Most studies showed that the reduction in bacterial infection when antibacterial soaps are used was not statistically different to the reduction when plain soap and water were used. Furthermore, the chemical components of antibacterial soaps were found to increase bacterial resistance to antibiotics. This will lead to clinically important antibiotics being rendered useless and antibacterial infection will be more difficult to treat. This has already been experienced with MRSA infection. Introduction To prevent possible body infection and contamination of food and drinks with pathogenic microflora, scientists and industries came up with cleaning products that can destroy the bacteria. These products destroy both the bacteria and other microbes with an exception of viruses. The antimicrobial action is due to the presence of antimicrobial chemicals added to the products. They are several in number including chemicals like triclosan, triclocarban and tetrasodium EDTA. Recently, various individuals and bodies have argued that antibacterial detergents offer no added advantage over plain soap in preventing bacterial contamination and infection. Furthermore, it has been argued that the adverse effects of the antibacterial detergents and soaps out weigh their benefits. Some of the negative effects of antibacterial soaps and detergents have been stated as possible increased bacterial resistance to the chemicals leading to super bugs and pollution of agricultural soils and water bodies. Review of the studies in this field is therefore important to indicate the current findings on the effectiveness of these soaps. This research was therefore carried out to answer this question. Literature review Various studies have been carried out with the aim of determining the effectiveness of antibacterial soaps. Most of them have found the use of antibacterial soaps to have no added benefit in effectively minimizing contamination and infection as compared to ordinary detergents. However, some doctors still claim that these soaps have added benefits. At a scientific level, there is little proof that there is any benefit derived from using antibacterial soaps instead of plain soaps (Scrubbing troubles. 2007). Actually, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDCP) proposes that to prevent microbial contamination and infections, persons should wash their hands as frequently as possible for at least fifteen seconds. They do not give any benefits of using antibacterial soaps (The Truth, 1999). FDA (food and drug administration) reviewed past clinical studies on effectiveness of antibacterial soaps, the results were that addition of antibacterial chemicals to soaps and detergents did not provide any added benefit (Gorgos, 2006). Their effect was similar to that of plain soap and water. The studies were based on the argument that, for the antibacterial soaps to be hygienically superior to plain soaps, they must have a higher clinically significant decrease on the bacterial load. Most of the studies did not find this to be the case. In five of the studies, washing with water and plain soap was found not to be any statistically different from washing with antibacterial soap. Plain soap and water reduced cases of diarrhea by 30 to 80% with 53 percent being the most common reduction value while antibacterial soap reduction rate was from 29 to 50 percent (Gorgos, 2006). Antiseptic soaps may have negative effects on antiseptic resistance of bacteria leading to evolution of super bugs (high drug resistant microbes) (Zamora, 2000). Over time, these antiseptic resistant microbes multiply resulting in a large number of such superbugs. Some studies have shown evolution of drug resistant bacteria. In 1958, Joshua Lederberg who was a molecular genecist became a noble price laureate after he showed how bacteria could exchange genetic material thereby producing antiseptic resistant bacteria (Clemmint, 2007). Afterwards, antibiotic resistant bacteria such as MRSA (methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus), streptococcus pneumonia that was resistant to penicillin and tuberculosis bacteria that is resistant to multiple drugs were discovered in hospital patients. MRSA has been the cause of many deaths since the present antibiotics cannot cure the infected (Clemmitt, 2007). Another problem with the antimicrobial soaps that has been presented is the possibility of environmental pollution by the antimicrobial chemicals included in the soaps. The most common antimicrobial constituents of these soaps are triclosan and triclocarban (Brodie, 2007). After use of these soaps, triclosan and triclocarban do not biodegrade but find their way into water bodies and agricultural soils. Rolf Halden carried out a study and found out that triclosan has contaminated 60% of the streams in the United States (Alterman, 2006). Furthermore, it has been know to cause cancer and blue baby condition in newborn babies. The United States Geological survey (USGS) also carried out a survey of the level of drug contamination in the water system of the United States and found out that there is a high concentration of over the counter antibiotics in the streams (Knopper, 2003). Discussion The findings stated in the literature review all indicate that antibiotics currently have no added benefit. Most people are obsessed with the idea of antibiotics. Consumers all over are demanding more antibiotics and antibacterial soaps have attracted a large consumer base. However, from the findings indicated in this research, it may be high time people were made aware of the negative effects of antiseptic soaps. FDA does not even recommend them since they do not show any added advantage. If people continue to use them at the current rate, clinically important antibiotics will become less efficient due to the development of antibiotic resistant bacteria. Treatment of bacteria related disease conditions have become difficult as more and more microbes that are drug resistant evolve. The use of contaminate sludge to fertilize agricultural soils is further spreading the antibiotics into crops and animals. A research by Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School found out that over 75% of antibiotics in soaps were washed down in the sewage water (Pearson, 2006). As these chemicals spread, they will continually destroy both the pathogenic and non-pathogenic bacteria leaving the resistant bacteria to thrive. There is also the possibility of spreading these resistant bacteria through the food chain. The studies examined clearly show the fact that when antibiotics are used at a domestic level, the benefit of reducing the bacterial count is of no clinical importance and the resulting negative effects are much greater. Conclusion Antibacterial or antimicrobial soaps and detergents are cleaning compounds that destroy bacteria and other microorganisms. They do this through the action of antimicrobial chemical compounds incorporated in the soaps. They assumed to be more beneficial at preventing bacterial contaminations and infections but there is no scientific proof that they are superior to plain soaps and water. Clinical comparisons between their effect and that of plain soap and water showed that there is no statistically significant difference between them. For this purpose, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not recommended them. Some studies have found the antimicrobial components of these soaps to have negative environmental impact and contribution in evolution of antibiotics resistant bacteria like the MRSA. Their disadvantages therefore out weigh their benefits.

Monday, August 19, 2019

All Quiet on the Western Front Essay: Effective Criticism of War :: All Quiet on the Western Front Essays

All Quiet on the Western Front:   Effective Criticism of War  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     All Quiet on the Western Front was a sad tale of Paul Bà ¤umer, a lad just entering adulthood, who fought in a war that he did not even believe in. Erich Maria Remarque wrote this novel to show the war through the eyes of Paul, who saw everything that happened; every death, every horror, and all the bloodshed. Remarque denounced war by showing how it destroys human lives and, more   importantly, how it devours the human soul. World War I was pointless to the young soldiers who did not even seem to know why a war was being waged. Paul showed how war affected an entire generation, of people, which he represented through Paul. Altogether, All Quiet on   the Western Front was a powerful and moving criticism of the war.    Every character in the novel was a tragic character and a sad loss in the war. This includes Paul, whose eyes Remarque used to show the atrocities of war to the world. All the events were shown without heroism, or at least without what was officially determined to be heroic by the people. Paul watched people die and killed people, something that tore him apart emotionally, but for which he would be considered a hero for. "We reach the zone where the front begins and become on the instant human animals" (56). The humanity was taken away from these soldiers, a horrible and mournful thing, and completely unwarranted. These were students like Paul, farmers like Detering, and other ordinary men who were enlisted and taken to the front, not really knowing what they were fighting for, stripped of even their humanity. At one point Paul even said "[i]n many ways we are treated quite like men" (91). However, they were men, even though they were made to feel like animals. They were still men. Remarque effectively used Paul's experiences to illustrate his criticism of World War I, showing the destruction to humanity and human emotion. There was already the mention of the soldiers becoming animals when at the front. He described this further: "The blast of the hand-grenades impinges powerfully on our arms and legs; crouching like cats we run on, overwhelmed by this wave that bears us along, that fills us with ferocity, turns us into thugs,

Ibsens A Dolls House being Dated Essay -- A Dolls House Henrik Ibse

Ibsen's A Doll's House being Dated To answer the above, one needs to be aware of when the drama was first written (1879) and how audiences were shocked at Ibsen's radical perception of the social roles of husband and wife in middle class society at that time. The role of middle class women at that time was simple, they bore children and kept house in a very clear manner, albeit with the aid of a housekeeper or maid. They were subservient to men and were considered accoutrements and playthings. This comes across very strongly in the manner that Torvald Helmer addresses Nora. The main thrust of the play has a lot to do with gender relations in modern society. It offers us, in the actions of Nora, a strengthening of the view of women struggling to overcome a society governed wholly by men resistant to change. Although this has changed dramatically since, there are still many corners of society nowadays that still cling to this belief and ethic. What was radical the case of this play was that Ibsen chose to bring this into the open. My first impression of Nora was that she was a shallow figure, that she was a selfish, self indulgent manipulative person with not a care in the world. We see as the play progresses that this is not the case and her personality changes to reveal someone very different. The will to 'do right' by her husband becomes evident as the play unfolds. We learn that life then was very much the same as today, in that middle class life was, in the main, affluent and agreeable, but only for those that could operate within it successfully. For those who couldn't life was brutal and unforgiving. We see that the Helmers are looking forward to life being even more comfortable once Torv... ...n truly happy, she had only experienced fun. That she had finally lost her love for him because of his reaction to Krogstadt's letter outlining the dishonesty in obtaining the loan. 'No man can be expected to sacrifice his honour, even for the person he loves' he exclaims. 'Millions of women have' she retorts. She leaves, the play closes. What I gather from the play, the only clue to the age is that of some of the dialogue. I don't think the theme is dated at all. Consider, the need for social standing, still as potent today as then. Consider the political manoeuvrings, surrounding position in the workplace, very much still in place today. Consider the power of seduction and finally, the strength of character a woman needs to stand up for what she feels is right even to her own detriment. Very powerful, very thought provoking and very, very enjoyable.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Dial-Up Scripting Command Language :: essays research papers

Table of Contents 1.0 Overview 2.0 Basic Structure of a Script 3.0 Variables 3.1 System Variables 4.0 String Literals 5.0 Expressions 6.0 Comments 7.0 Keywords 8.0 Commands 9.0 Reserved Words 1.0 Overview Many Internet service providers and online services require you to manually enter information, such as your user name and password, to establish a connection. With Scripting support for Dial-Up Networking, you can write a script to automate this process. A script is a text file that contains a series of commands, parameters, and expressions required by your Internet service provider or online service to establish the connection and use the service. You can use any text editor, such as Microsoft Notepad, to create a script file. Once you've created your script file, you can then assign it to a specific Dial-Up Networking connection by running the Dial-Up Scripting Tool. 2.0 Basic Structure of a Script A command is the basic instruction that a script file contains. Some commands require parameters that further define what the command should do. An expression is a combination of operators and arguments that create a result. Expressions can be used as values in any command. Examples of expressions include arithmetic, relational comparisons, and string concatenations. The basic form of a script for Dial-Up Networking follows: ; ; A comment begins with a semi-colon and extends to ; the end of the line. ; proc main ; A script can have any number of variables ; and commands variable declarations command block endproc A script must have a main procedure, specified by the proc keyword, and a matching endproc keyword, indicating the end of the procedure. You must declare variables before you add commands. The first command in the main procedure is executed, and then any subsequent commands are executed in the order they appear in the script. The script ends when the end of the main procedure is reached. 3.0 Variables Scripts may contain variables. Variable names must begin with a letter or an underscore ('_'), and may contain any sequence of upper- or lower-case letters, digits, and underscores. You cannot use a reserved word as a variable name. For more information, see the list of reserved words at the end of this document. You must declare variables before you use them. When you declare a variable, you must also define its type. A variable of a certain type may only contain values of that same type. The following three types of variables are supported: Type Description integer A negative or positive number, such as 7, -12, or 5698. string A series of characters enclosed in double-quotes; for example, "Hello world!" or "Enter password:". Dial-Up Scripting Command Language :: essays research papers Table of Contents 1.0 Overview 2.0 Basic Structure of a Script 3.0 Variables 3.1 System Variables 4.0 String Literals 5.0 Expressions 6.0 Comments 7.0 Keywords 8.0 Commands 9.0 Reserved Words 1.0 Overview Many Internet service providers and online services require you to manually enter information, such as your user name and password, to establish a connection. With Scripting support for Dial-Up Networking, you can write a script to automate this process. A script is a text file that contains a series of commands, parameters, and expressions required by your Internet service provider or online service to establish the connection and use the service. You can use any text editor, such as Microsoft Notepad, to create a script file. Once you've created your script file, you can then assign it to a specific Dial-Up Networking connection by running the Dial-Up Scripting Tool. 2.0 Basic Structure of a Script A command is the basic instruction that a script file contains. Some commands require parameters that further define what the command should do. An expression is a combination of operators and arguments that create a result. Expressions can be used as values in any command. Examples of expressions include arithmetic, relational comparisons, and string concatenations. The basic form of a script for Dial-Up Networking follows: ; ; A comment begins with a semi-colon and extends to ; the end of the line. ; proc main ; A script can have any number of variables ; and commands variable declarations command block endproc A script must have a main procedure, specified by the proc keyword, and a matching endproc keyword, indicating the end of the procedure. You must declare variables before you add commands. The first command in the main procedure is executed, and then any subsequent commands are executed in the order they appear in the script. The script ends when the end of the main procedure is reached. 3.0 Variables Scripts may contain variables. Variable names must begin with a letter or an underscore ('_'), and may contain any sequence of upper- or lower-case letters, digits, and underscores. You cannot use a reserved word as a variable name. For more information, see the list of reserved words at the end of this document. You must declare variables before you use them. When you declare a variable, you must also define its type. A variable of a certain type may only contain values of that same type. The following three types of variables are supported: Type Description integer A negative or positive number, such as 7, -12, or 5698. string A series of characters enclosed in double-quotes; for example, "Hello world!" or "Enter password:".

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Effects of Recession Times in Entertainment Production Essay

It is unlikely that the entertainment industry can escape the effects of the present global economic situation. Different areas of the media entertainment experience effect of recession in different gravity . Some areas of the business stay strong but according to statistic study, the film production has sent 75% to 80% of the production crews into unemployment in Los Angeles alone. (Gumbel, 2009) This economic effect in the biggest entertainment production in the United States caused many media entertainment companies to be hesitant in spending more for their productions. With the wide range of the entertainment business, there are areas of the industry that show weaknesses on the present economic recession. According to Alan Gould, advertising is in a difficult situation because of the adjustment it has to undergo. This transition requires applying traditional advertising media to allow the allocation of money until the economy will be in a better situation. (Ibarra, 2008) On the other hand, unanimous agreement on wise decision and reinvention of entertainment production is a way for this business to succeed. On the other hand, many people involved in the entertainment industries still hope that the entertainment will survive the economic turmoil. It has also been viewed that practical measures must be taken so the business will be spared from the major economic downfall due to the recession. According to Matt Cherniss (2009), â€Å"In past seasons, it was very easy to get caught up in the mania of pilot season. Now, in this environment, you have to be very discerning with not just who you cast or where you decide to shoot but which pilots you make, too. † (Michael Schneider, 2009) Moreover, the technological development provides an advantage for the production of video, music, and television entertainment. Since this industry is based on the vast public patronage, the entertainment industry is still persisted by many to survive. Ms. Thomas, like the other panelists, remains optimistic about TV and filmed content, believing the industry will â€Å"flourish† even after some setbacks. â€Å"The human condition embraces being entertained,† she said. (Ibarra, 2008) CONCLUSION With the on set of the economic recession, most people consider saving than spending money. This provides an obstacle for the industry of entertainment to allocate and gain money on their productions. However, creativity of the media production is an advantage to bring the decreasing income of the entertainment business into a huge money-making business again. The recession is a wake-up call for those in the entertainment production business. Generally, the media production will survive recession. REFERENCES: Ibarra, Sergio. (November 20, 2008). Media Still Recession Resistant, Panel Says. TV Week. Retrieved May 3, 2009, from Gumbel, Andrew. (April 27, 2009). Hollywood feels the pinch: Film production at standstill. Guardian News and Media Limited. Retrieved May 4, 2009, from Schneider, Michael. (February 23, 2009). Economy pinches TV pilots. Variety. Retrieved May 4, 2009, from

Friday, August 16, 2019

Oral traditions Essay

Many ancient scholars believed Africa had no history prior to colonialism because there was no documented evidence. Professor A.P. Newton, who was a distinguished British historian in the early 20th century, believed that there was no African history because most of the African society was illiterate before the European intrusion. ‘History’, he said, ‘only begins when men take to writing.’ He, as well as others who had the same opinion, failed to realize that African communities existed long before colonialism and so had their own history, even though it had not been put into writing at the time. Oral traditions have played and continue to play important roles in the history of Africa as well as its present. Songs, folklores, superstitions, etc. are just some of the things that have been passed from generation to generation orally. We see the evidence of some of these superstitions in J.P. Clark’s _Abiku_ as well as Wole Soyinka’s _Abiku_. Both poems are based on traditional superstitions and it is evident from the title, _Abiku_, which is a word from the Yoruba language of Nigeria that is used to describe a child that dies and is reborn, usually multiple times. It is believed that such children are not of the human world, but rather belong to the spirit world and so they keep going back and forth from one world to the other unless the child’s family is able to make the child stay in the human world, using traditional methods most times. These beliefs and actions are results of oral traditions and, even with the rise of western education in Yoruba communities and Nigeria in general, continue to be upheld by some people. Clark and Soyinka are evidence of the continued dependence and belief in oral traditions by a lot of Africans, even after extensive western  education. These Africans could be doing this as an indirect rebellion against western ideas and principles that have sought to ridicule and destroy African culture. During the colonial era, the Europeans did their best to destroy African culture, especially those that had to do with superstitions and religious beliefs that did not correspond with western principles. Concepts like reincarnation were frowned upon heavily by the European missionaries seeking to change the religious beliefs of Africans and since most aspects of life were based on religion at the time, changing one’s religious beliefs meant changing one’s political, social and economic beliefs as well. However, with the rise of cultural nationalisms, Africans began to reject European standards as the ideal and focus on bringing African culture back to the forefront. Hence, we see Soyinka and Clark as well as many other African poets bringing their cultural superstitions to their literary works, even though most of the m are written in European languages. In Soyinka’s _Abiku_ poem, almost every line is made up of cultural beliefs and practices as they relate to the _Abiku_ child. He even dips into non-African oral traditions in the line that says, â€Å"remember/ this, and dig me deeper still into/ the god’s swollen foot.† (14-16). Here, Soyinka is referring to Oedipus, the Greek mythological figure, and his use of this in his poem suggests that he wants to show that oral tradition is not just an African phenomenon but rather, exists in different cultures all around the world. While, he doesn’t expand on this line, it is important because it stands out from the rest of the poem as it is not connected to Yoruba tradition at all and it makes known to its readers the fact that oral traditions are universal. Also, Soyinka writes his poem from the subject’s point of view as a means of humanizing the character. The concept of _Abiku_ is usually explained as an other- worldly phenomenon, which made it easier for a lot of people to disassociate themselves with the idea. However, Soyinka writes his poem in first person in order to make known to people the fact that _Abiku_ children do exist and they are, in fact, human beings. He brings the _Abiku_ child to the forefront and though the rhetoric is tinged with superstitions and  cultural traditions, the fact that it is being told from the child’s perspective is a humanizing effort. There is no doubt that the poem emphasizes cultural and spiritual notions, especially through the child, however, the poem’s use of words like â€Å"Mothers† (line 26) paints a human picture in the minds of the readers. The juxtaposition of spiritual and human language used in the poem lets the readers know that both the spiritual and the human are present in this _Abiku_ child. Therefore, the poet brings to light the idea that the spiritual i.e. traditional and the human i.e. rational can exist and coincide with one another. He is saying that African culture can exist side by side with western culture and one doesn’t have to diminish the other, which is the direct opposite of what was preached by European missionaries. Also, it is important to note that these two poets as well as most African writers are invested in the concept of Africanism. Keeping African cultures alive is important and we see the poets using their poems to remind Africans and the world in general that African culture still exists and has not been destroyed by urbanization. Oral traditions have never been completely accepted as adequate sources with which to make any kinds of analyses because of the fickle nature of the human memory and so, writing these poems allows the poets show the readers that the culture is still there and these stories and beliefs have not been forgotten. It was important for Africans in historical times to repeatedly acknowledge the oral traditions so they would not forget any parts of it and this is also one of the reasons why African writers usually add some elements of oral tradition into their works. A lot of African communities did not have any means of recording their culture for future generations so they just made sure the younger generations became aware of these traditions from the early stages of their lives so these traditions became engrained in their minds by the time they were adults. However, with the colonization of Africa, a lot of Africans are now able read and write these oral traditions and because of this easy access, a lot of Africans have become unaware of a lot of cultural traditions that would have been passed orally. So, the writers include oral traditions in their written works to bring these stories, beliefs, practices, etc. back into the minds of Africans and the world. This is why  Soyinka and Clark include some traditional processes in their poetry. Soyinka writes about the charms that people believed would keep the _Abiku_ child from going back to the spirit world†¦ â€Å"Must I weep for goats and cowries/for palm oil and sprinkled ash?† He takes the reader into the world of the _Abiku,_ using cultural rituals, which then reminds the Africans who had forgotten and informs those who were not privy to this information initially. Clark takes his readers into the immediate environment of the _Abiku_ child, both the physical environment and the spiritual environment†¦ â€Å"Do stay out on the baobab tree/follow where you please your kindred spirits/if indoors is not enough for you.† In conclusion, oral traditions are very important in African culture as well as other cultures around the world and the use of written language in passing oral traditions has been helpful in bringing forgotten histories back into the minds of its people. BIBLIOGRAPHY Fage, J. D., and British Broadcasting Corporation. Africa Discovers Her Past. London: Oxford University Press, 1970. Henige, David P. The Chronology of Oral Tradition: Quest for a Chimera. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1974. Adesanmi, Pius. You’re Not a Country, Africa: A Personal History of the African Present. Johannesburg: Penguin Books (South Africa), 2011.