Friday, November 29, 2019

The Diuretic Activity of Fresh Balloonvine Leaves free essay sample

This study was conducted to know the diuretic activity of the extract of the balloonvine (Cardiospermum halicacabum L. ) leaves. In this study, three groups were used. These includes the positive control group (furosemide 20mg/2ml), experimental group (balloonvine leaves extract), and the control group (water treated). The fresh leaves of balloonvine were extracted by pounding the leaves and then squeezed using a clean cloth. The mice were also weighed to determine the allowable dosage according to its weight. After the preparation of the groups, 3 trials were conducted. In the first trial, furosemide (positive control) has the most volume of urine, followed by the balloonvine leaves extract (experimental group) and the control group, which is the water treated has the least volume of urine. The next two trials have the same results as of trial 1. This means that furosemide is still the best diuretic drug but balloonvine leaves extract can also be used as a substitute since it has excreted more volume of urine than of the water treated group (control group) but not as good as the furosemide do. We will write a custom essay sample on The Diuretic Activity of Fresh Balloonvine Leaves or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The researchers recommend further studies using other parts of the plant and using higher concentration to prove whether balloonvine can be more effective if used in higher dosage and to have more investigation of the plant. Acknowledgment The researchers would like to express their sincere gratitude to those who helped them finished this project. Their parents for the financial support, moral support and understanding. They contributed a lot to finish this project. Mrs. Sharon Meriales for the advices and the help se extended to the group. The Jhing2 printing press for the printing and discounts. In this natural world, lots of efforts were made by the people to achieve a better quality of life and for man’s survival. A lot of people were making alternatives and medicine for the health of the mankind. Plants are commonly used by people to cure many diseases for many years. Nowadays, medicines are very expensive and because of that, the less fortunate ones cannot afford to buy some. Because of that, they can use herbal medicines as an alternative drug. God provided many herbal plants all over the world and Philippines is of no exception. As a matter of fact, Philippines is blessed with many plants that can be use as a treatment for many diseases. Cardiospermum halicabum linn. of family Sapindaceae is also known as balloonvine, heartpea, Love-in-a Puff, Parol-parolan, Lobo-lobohan, Maria-maria, Otot-otot and etc. Balloonvine is found throughout the Philippines in waste places, roadsides, fields and other grassy areas. It is a more or less hairy vine, one to three meters in length. The leaves are trifoliate and five to nine centimeters long. The flowers are small, white and about 2. 5 millimeters long. They contain round black seeds, each with a white heart-shaped spot at the base, hence the name Cardiospemum, cardio for the heart and spermum for seed. Balloonvine, is a woody vine native to Tropical America. The small white flowers bloom from summer through the fall. Flowers are not very showy. The fruit of this plant can also be eaten when it is already yellow orange in color. (http://www. plantoftheweek. org/week256. shtml) The ballonvine plant yields saponins, tannins, alkaloids, flavonoids, proanthocyanidin, apigenin, phytosterols, glycosides, and cardiac glycosides. There are health benefits from balloonvine. It is considered antiphlogistic, analgesic, anti-inflammator, anti-infectious, emetic, emmenagogue, febrifuge, laxative, stomachic and sudorific. Since the plant has many uses, the researchers come up with the idea to test the diuretic activity of the extract of the balloonvine leaves as a substitute to synthetic diuretic drugs. As what have the group discussed that this study may give us more knowledge on this certain balloonvine plant. Statement of the Problem The study was conducted to test the diuretic ability of balloonvine leaves. Distinctively, it addressed to the following questions: 1. What is the amount of the collected urine among the different set-up? a. Experimental group b. Positive control group c. Negative control group 2. Is there any significant difference in the efficiency of balloonvine to the commercialize (i. e. furosemide) products as a diuretic drug? 3. Objectives 1. To test whether the balloonvine leaves can really act as a diuretic drug. 2. To know if there is any significant difference in the efficiency of balloonvine to the commercialize products as a diuretic drug. This study dealt with the diuretic activity of the balloonvine leaves extract. It refers to the hypothesis: HO1: There is no significant difference on the effectiveness of the commercial drug and the fresh balloonvine leaves extract. Significance of the Study: This study generally aims to contribute to the popularization of plants as sources of remedies for man and animals. Nowadays, time seems to move faster, the economy are soaring high thus the drugs are becoming more expensive. Hence, the unfortunate ones can use herbal plant like balloonvine as a substitute to synthetic diuretic drugs. Balloonvine is accessible to all since it grows commonly in roadsides. Using this plant, we could also create herbal products that could help individuals in their illness without buying expensive medicines. Scope and Limitations This study was limited only to the determination of the diuretic activity of the fresh balloonvine leaves extract. The positive control used was commercial drug (furosemide) and the negative control was the mice that were just treated with water. Chapter II Review of Related Literature Balloonvine Cardiospermum halicacabum linn or balloonvine are fast growing to 10 feet (3 m) with twice 3-parted leaves that will reach 4 inches (10 cm) long. The plants climb with tendrils and need some form of support. The fruit from which the plant gets its common name is a brown, thin-shelled, inflated angled capsule up to 1 1/8 inch (3 cm) in diameter containing 3 black seeds each, with a white heart-shaped scar. (http://www. plantoftheweek. org/week256. shtml). Balloonvine,  also called Heart-pea, or Heart-seed, (species Cardiospermum halicacabum), woody perennial vine in the soapberry family (Sapindaceae). It is naturalized and cultivated widely as an ornamental for its white flowers and its nearly globular inflated fruits, which are about 2. 5 cm (1 inch) across. The seeds are black with a heart-shaped white spot. (http://www. britannica. com/EBchecked/topic/50726/balloon-vine). This vine is densely growing and can climb up to 8 m high in the canopy. The main mode of climbing is via extensive tendrils, which twirl around supporting structure and other plants. (http://www. dpi. qld. gov. au/4790_7120. htm) The balloonvine has a light green leaves are compound with three sets of three leaflets which are thin and softly hairy. http://www. plantoftheweek. org/week256. shtml) The flowers are produced from summer to winter. The capsules can be carried by wind and float freely on water. It also regrows from root fragments. It grows rapidly on top of trees, forms a thick curtain of stems, and excludes light, harbors pests and diseases. The weight of balloonvine contributes to canopy collapse and ecosystem destruction. (http:www. weedsbluemountains. org. au/balloon_vine. asp) . The oil of this plant is also used in creams and soap. It is an active ingredient in creams, lotion and soap. It is also used as a cure for dermatitis, eczema, and psoriasis. A decoction of roots of balloonvine is regarded as diaphoretic. It is also indicated that balloonvine contains: saponin, tannin, calcium oxalate in leaves and tannins, calcium oxalate and sulfur in stem. (http:www. suite101. com/content/cardiospermum-halicacabum-a187594). The plant also contains chemicals that can be used as laxative, emmenagogue, analgesic and many more. It also contains saponins, tannins, alkaloids, flavonoids, proanthocyanidin, apigenin and phytosterols. It may contain chemicals that can be used as a diuretic. http:www. weedsbluemountains. org. au/balloon_vine. asp) The medical uses of the plant are widely used in Thailand. Its Thai name is Khok Kra Om. The leaf is antiasthmatic. Leaf juice can be a cough remedy. Its stem is antipyretic. The Flower or leaf juice of this plant increases menstrual discharge. The whole plant is antiasthmatic; treatment of arthritis Balloon vines leaf extract possesses hypotensive and anti-inflammatory properties.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Ancient Mayan Architecture - Temples and Palaces

Ancient Mayan Architecture - Temples and Palaces The Maya were an advanced society that flourished in Mesoamerica long before the arrival of the Spanish in the sixteenth century. They were skilled architects, building great cities of stone that remain even a thousand years after their civilization fell into decline. The Maya built pyramids, temples, palaces, walls, residences and more. They often decorated their buildings with intricate stone carvings, stucco statues, and paint. Today, Maya architecture is important, as it is one of the few aspects of Maya life that is still available for study. Maya City-States Unlike the Aztecs in Mexico or the Inca in Peru, the Maya were never a unified empire ruled by a single ruler from a single place. Rather, they were a series of smaller city-states who ruled the immediate vicinity but had little to do with other cities if they were far enough away. These city-states traded with and warred upon one another frequently, so cultural exchange, including architecture, was common. Some of the more important Maya city-states were Tikal, Dos Pilas, Calakmul, Caracol, Copn, Quirigu, Palenque, Chichà ©n Itz and Uxmal (there were many others). Although every Maya city is different, they tended to share certain characteristics, such as general layout.​ Layout of Maya Cities Maya tended to lay their cities out in plaza groups: clusters of buildings around a central plaza. This was true of the impressive buildings in the city center (temples, palaces, etc) as well as smaller residential areas. These plazas are rarely neat and orderly and to some, it may seem as if the Maya built anywhere they pleased. This is because they Maya built on the irregularly-shaped higher ground to avoid floods and dampness associated with their tropical forest home. In the center of the cities were the important public buildings such as temples, palaces, and the ball court. Residential areas radiated out from the city center, growing sparser the further they got from the center. Raised stone walkways linked the residential areas with each other and the center. Later Maya cities were built on higher hills for defense and had high walls surrounding most of the city or at least the centers. Maya Homes The Maya kings lived in stone palaces in the city center near the temples, but the common Maya lived in small houses outside the city center. Like the city center, the homes tended to be bunched together in clusters: some researchers believe that extended families lived together in one area. Their modest homes are thought to be much like the homes of their descendants in the region today: simple structures constructed mostly of wooden poles and thatch. The Maya tended to build up a mound or base and then build upon it: as the wood and thatch wore away or rotted they would tear it down and build again on the same foundation. Because the common Maya were often forced to build on lower ground than the palaces and temples in the city center, many of these mounds have been lost to flooding or encroaching wilderness. The City Center The Maya built great temples, palaces, and pyramids in their city centers. These were often mighty stone structures, over which wooden buildings and thatched roofs were often built. The city center was the physical and spiritual heart of the city. Important rituals were done there, in the temples, palaces, and ball courts. Maya Temples Like many Maya buildings, Maya temples were built of stone, with platforms on the top where wooden and thatch structures could be built. Temples tended to be pyramids, with steep stone steps leading to the top, where important ceremonies and sacrifices took place. Many temples are graced by elaborate stone carvings and glyphs. The most magnificent example is the famous Hieroglyphic Stairway at Copn. Temples were often built with astronomy in mind: certain temples are aligned to the movements of Venus, the sun or the moon. In the Lost World Complex at Tikal, for example, there is a pyramid which faces three other temples. If youre standing on the pyramid, the other temples are aligned with the rising sun on equinoxes and solstices. Important rituals took place at these times. Maya Palaces The Palaces were large, multi-storied buildings which were home to the king and royal family. They tended to be made of stone with wooden structures on top. Roofs were made of thatch. Some Maya palaces are spacious, including courtyards, different structures that were possibly homes, patios, towers, etc. The palace at Palenque is a good example. Some of the palaces are quite large, leading researchers to suspect that they also acted as a sort of administrative center, where Maya bureaucrats regulated tribute, trade, agriculture, etc. This was also the place where the king and noblemen would interact not only with the common people but also with diplomatic visitors. Feasts, dances, and other community social events could also have taken place there. Ball Courts The ceremonial ball game was an important part of Maya life. Common and noble people alike played for fun and recreation, but some games had important religious and spiritual significance. Sometimes, after important battles in which important prisoners were taken (such as enemy noblemen or even their Ahau, or King) these prisoners would be forced to play a game against the victors. The game represented a re-enactment of the battle, and afterward, the losers (which were naturally the enemy nobles and soldiers) were ceremonially executed. Ball courts, which were rectangular with sloped walls on either side, were prominently placed in Maya cities. Some of the more important cities had several courts. Ball courts were sometimes used for other ceremonies and events. Surviving Maya Architecture Although they were not on a par with the legendary Inca stonemasons of the Andes, Maya architects built structures which have withstood centuries of abuse. Mighty temples and palaces at places like Palenque, Tikal, and Chichen Itza survived centuries of abandonment, followed by excavation and now thousands of tourists walking and climbing all over them. Before they were protected, many ruin sites were scavenged by locals looking for stones for their homes, churches or businesses. That the Maya structures have survived so well is a testament to the skill of their builders. The Maya temples and palaces that have withstood the test of time often contain stone carvings depicting battles, wars, kings, dynastic successions and more. The Maya were literate and had a written language and books, of which only a few survive. The carved glyphs on temples and palaces are therefore important because there is so little remaining of the original Maya culture. Source McKillop, Heather. The Ancient Maya: New Perspectives. New York: Norton, 2004.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Methods used by Transportation Safety Administration Term Paper

Methods used by Transportation Safety Administration - Term Paper Example The body ensures that the nation’s transport systems are secure through use of sophisticated technologies like bottled liquid scanner, Biometrics, Credential Authentication Technology, explosive trace detection explosive detection system and threat image projection. Secure Flight Plan is another security measure by TSA where airline passengers’ information is compared to that in the governments watch list. In order to prove the effectiveness and ineffectiveness of these programs, TSA carried out a basic training program, which revealed that a good number of these technologies are efficient, though a few are ineffectual. Explosive Detection System is one of the programs introduced by TSA to ensure security in air travel. EDS is used to screen bags in order to detect any explosive. Using the Explosive Detective machine the system can capture the image of a bag that contains an item that is a potential threat. If more screening is needed for such a bag, it is directed to the resolution room where the bag is thoroughly inspected by the security officers before it is redirected to the system (TSA, 2014). If cleared, the bag is directed to the aircraft. However, if the officers are not able to detect the alarm they can call upon the bomb squad. When this screening is used together with baggage system that is automated, there is improved security and increased efficiency. Explosive Detective System is effective for identifying threat items, which should be subjected to further screening without the screener interpreting the message. Although, the screeners who are able to interpret EDS should be cautious not to trigger the explosion when the luggage is taken for further screening Explosive Trace Detection is the second program in TSA’s list of technologies for combating insecurity. This technology is used to screen passengers and their baggage to detect if there are any traces of explosives. In this

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

4 Discussions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

4 Discussions - Essay Example The women were also allowed to read books, but they were restricted to read some books and avoid others. According to the ‘cult of domesticity’, women were given ‘separate but equal’ status. Like men, they were assigned some tasks to perform, but they were of different nature. Women were not allowed to choose their life partners and after their marriage, their lives were designed as per their family needs. Marriages meant chained status for women (Zinn). The cult of domesticity introduced women to their equal status in society that was quite different, but in fact, in this manner women became aware of their subordinate status in the society. They were not allowed to vote and to possess property. In addition, if they were required to work outside their homes, they received one fourth of the wages that men obtained. They were also restricted not to join certain professions such as law and medicine. Therefore, cult of domesticity was not a way of pacifying her with a doctrine of separate but equal, but to inform her about her restrictions and limitations according to which, she should lead her life. She was expected to lead her life as per the proper codes of conduct designed for her. She enjoyed little or no liberty and was to remain passive and submissive to patriarchal system of the society. For becoming a perfect woman, she was to acquire the qualities of submissiveness and domesticity (Zinn). The role of wife and mother in America as well as in other parts of the world still undergoes certain restrictions because there are certain norms and standards, according to which, a wife and a mother are required to act. Male members of out society have always kept certain expectations with women and their roles in the society. A woman is not accepted with everything, as she is required to bring changes in her personality

Monday, November 18, 2019

The current situations that's facing Russia Research Paper

The current situations that's facing Russia - Research Paper Example As the nature of topic involves the description of current scenario of the Russian federation, so the overview will be provided discussing all the social, political and environmental factors. The Russian Federation is divided into 46 provinces, 4 autonomous okrugs, 21 republics, 9 krays, 2 federal cities, and 1 autonomous oblast. Since 7th May 2012, President Vladimir Vladimirovich PUTIN serves as the head of the state, while the government is administered by Dmitriy Anatolyevich Medvedev. The recent political developments in the country include its relations with the United States. The U.S. Congress has already ascertained to ordain new penalties to be imposed on Russian businesses and officials as a quid-pro-quo for annulling a Cold War-era prohibition on conventional trading associations with Moscow. Few of the people in the Obama administration have proposed the discouraging alternative of developing a â€Å"democracy fund† to channelize U.S. money to the pressure groups that pose a threat to the Russian administration. Russia has been labeled by Mitt Romney as a geopolitical foe, so he has offered to disassemble the reset upon being elected. It raises a concern that regardless who wins in the U.S elections, the Russian-U.S. relations are leading towards a more challenging posture (Rojansky & Gvosdev). Mrs. Clinton while attending the yearly Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit meeting in Vladivostokhere, on behalf of President Obama welcomed Russian access to the World Trade Organization in August. Moreover it was recommended that the American government should now normalize its trade relations so that the U.S owned businesses can harvest the benefits received from the Russia’s membership that include lower tariffs for United States products. The attempt to concede Russia conventional trade status, still, has turned embroiled in legislation that would penalize Russian officials charged of perverting human rights, refusing them visas and suspending their assets. That has aroused doubts that any arrangement on annulling the Jackson-Vanik provisions can be accomplished before the United States presidential elections (Myers, and Herszenhorn). Russia has recently demanded the U.S to cease its support to groups favoring the institution of democracy within the country (Hersze nhorn and Barry). Russia has experienced significant alters since the break down of the Soviet Union, proceeding from a centrally planned, globally-isolated economy to a more global and market-based economy. Russian industry is principally fragmented between worldwide competitive commodity producers. In 2011, it became leading oil producer of the world, passing by Saudi Arabia. It is the world second largest natural gas producer and bears the world's largest reserves of natural gas, the second-largest of coal, and the eighth-largest reserves of crude oil. It is the 3rd largest exporter of primary aluminum and steel. The Russian economy is also facing various challenges. As reported by the World Bank, Russia is reverberating from the worldwide recession more tardily than other developing nations in spite of high oil prices. Various factors that are contributing to the weakening of the Russian

Saturday, November 16, 2019

A History Of Indian Tourism

A History Of Indian Tourism There are a number of industries that play a pivotal role in the development of nations. Tourism being one such industry that has emerged as the largest global industry in the 20th century and is projected to grow even faster during the current century. Tourism when taken in its true sense has following characteristics; Resource based industry and consumes resources Creates waste Specific infrastructure needs All the characters are linked to the social fabric of the host community. It has social, cultural and environmental impacts with a possibility of over consumption. The conceptual structure of the project aims to investigate the problems and advantages of home stay tourism in Kerala, from an owners perspective. In this section the researcher attempts to explore the areas such as; History of Indian tourism Background of Kerala Definition of tourism Sustainable tourism Community based tourism Homestay tourism Tourist motivation Tourist satisfaction Relevant research History of Indian Tourism India is a centre of two ancient civilizations of the world called the Indus valley civilization, and the Aryan civilization. Tourism development in India started in the early sixties. By that time most of the other countries have achieved a remarkable progress in this area and has exploited to maximum possible extent. The best way to introduce India as a tourist destination to foreigners is that India is a country of all seasons and all reasons. Indias tourism resources have always been considered immense. The geographical features are diverse, colorful and varied. As such the resource potential is so much that it can cater to all kinds and tastes of tourists. India has an ancient tradition of tourism. It existed as an industry in the informal sector in ancient times and was indulged in by all classes of people. Mark Twain aptly remarked about India on India [National Tourism Policy 2002] that India is one country that is endowed with an imperishable interest for alien prince and alien peasant, for the lettered and the ignorant, the wise and the fool, the rich and the poor, the bonded and the free one land that all men desire to see and once seen, by even a glimpse, would not give the glimpse for all the shows of all the rest of the globe combined. The unity of India lies in its diversity people bound together by centuries of common traditions, faith and philosophy [Pran Nath, Sushma 1993]. Indian tourism industry has recorded a phenomenal growth especially from 1990s in terms of both international and domestic tourists arrivals [Honnappa, Ramakrishna 2006]. The ministry of Indian tourism has launched a new programme called Athithi Devo Bhavah which means guest is god. The inspiration behind this expression is to respect because; respect has always been an essential part of Indian soul. Tourism, which is the third largest foreign exchange earner in India, has started gaining prominence to the public agenda only in recent years. Many countries in the world are relying on tourism as one of the fastest growing sectors. In the Chief Ministers conference held on October 2001 [National Tourism Policy 2002] the Prime Minister of India, Shri. Atal Bihari Vajpayee had stated that Tourism is a major phenomenon of economic growth in major parts of the world. Many countries have transformed their economies using the tourism potential the fullestà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦tourism has the potential to create different types of employment in various sectors from the most specialized to the unskilled and what India needs is the generation of massive productive employment opportunities . Tourism in India has a strong relevance to economic development and employment generation. It creates huge employment opportunities, provides equitable distribution of wealth, helps to acquire the much needed foreign exchange, brings out a speedy development and improvement of infrastructural facilities. Developing countries have given a special importance for the development of tourism, for it is the main source of earning foreign exchange, thereby the economic status of the country goes up [Honnappa, Ramakrishna 2006]. Tourism is one of the few industries which generates high levels of economic output, with minimum investments and has immense socioeconomic development potential. Indian tourism industry has recorded a phenomenal growth particularly from 1990s [Sathyanarayana, Ramu 2006] in terms of both international and domestic visitor arrivals. A noticeable change in the holidaying trend was reported both the international and domestic tourists showed an inclination towards adventure sports. India is slowly but surely awakening to its tourism potential. The outcome of many studies hat has been done about tourism states that India is best suited for all kinds of tourism rural, cultural, eco-tourism, spiritual, sports and adventure tourism. With small countries like Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand are all ready major tourist destinations; India has to struggle to promote itself to the world tourists [Revathy 2008]. Background of Kerala Kerala, one of the smallest states lies in the southern coast of India, is one of the leading proponents of tourism in various sectors. Kerala has a vast and vibrant arena, where drama unfolds in the form of spell bounding heritage cites station, un -spoilt beaches, picturesque hill, roaring water falls, old temple towns, exotic wild life, bustling cities, surrounded with back waters, varied adventure sports and a vibrant way of life. Kerala is one of Indias most advanced societies with nearly full literate people and excellent quality of life. The people of Kerala are more sensitive than people elsewhere because of high literacy rate [Kumar, Sudheer 2007]. On its way to becoming south, Kerala is one of the states that attract a large number of tourists in South India. In order to tap the tourist potential of so much history and such a variety of natural endowments, the Kerala government is taking a number of steps to improve the states infrastructures like air, road and rail links. The state is evolving new strategies, creating dynamic blue prints and ensuring meticulous execution will make sure that the state will emerge on top. Developing world class tourism products needs enhancing infrastructure, stream lining administration, strategic alliance and marketing will ensure that tourism bring sustainable growth and prosperity to Kerala also known as Gods on Country [Honnappa, Ramakrishna 2006]. Kerala provides an ample opportunity for home stay and rural tourism. In this research work, this aspect of Kerala is trying to be explored. In addition to this, the fact that Kerala has remained and still continues to be one of the most favorite sites for tourists will also be highlighted (Thomas, K.W. (1992), pp.651-717). The landscape and the scenic beauty of Kerala are such that the tourists enjoy coming in India and exploring the various parts of Kerala (Sunderland, S., Nelson, R. (1995), pp. 53-74). In addition, it was also seen that in the recent times, the sector of rural tourism is also increasing manifold (Thomas, K.W. (1992), pp.651-717). Thus, though this research work, the concept of rural tourism will also be highlighted. This introduction highlights the fact that rural tourism is relevant in developing nations where there is enough of land cape and scenic beauty to give the feel of the rural life (Thomas, K.W. (1992), pp.651-717). Today, for rural tourism, a village ca n prove to be an important site for tourist attraction. Any unbridled and indiscriminate growth of tourism leading to the problems of pollution, environmental and economic hazards and culture degradation will definitely be opposed by the highly sensitive host population of Kerala. The various negative factors of tourism will have far reaching consequences upon the people of Kerala besides making impact upon the tourists visiting the state. Definition of Tourism Tourism has been defined as the activities of persons travelling to and staying in places outside of their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes [WTO 1998]. There are different words and meanings for tourism such as Domestic Tourism: that involves residents of the given country travelling only within the country. Inbound Tourism:- involves residents travelling in the given country. Outbound Tourism: means residents travelling in another country. International Tourism:- consists of inbound and outbound tourism [WTO 1998]. Sustainable Tourism There is no widely accepted definition of sustainable tourism. It could, of course, be suggested that sustainable tourism should simply be about applying the Brundtland Report definition of sustainability to tourism. This could lead to a definition such as: Forms of tourism which meet the needs of tourists, the tourism industry, and host communities today without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. There is another definition of sustainable tourism emphasizes the environmental, social and economic elements of the tourism system. This definition means tourism which is economically viable, but does not destroy the resources on which the future of tourism will depend, notably the physical environment and the social fabric of the host community [Swarbrooke 1999]. Sustainable tourism is the tourism development that protects important ecological and biological qualities and the process results in increased economic opportunity for local residents and involves them in decision- making, and respects the integrity of cultural norms and traditions. Sustainable tourism development is based on the objective that it meets the needs of present tourists and host regions while protecting and enhancing opportunities for the future. It is envisaged as leading to management of all resources in such a way that economic, social and aesthetic needs can be fulfilled while maintaining cultural integrity, essential ecological processes, biological diversity and life support system [Ashraf, Fazili 2004]. For the development of tourism, the department has decided to develop policies, strategies and plans for sustainable tourism. The tourism plan or policy is a gambling that will definitely have winners or losers that make the public sector tourism policy a political issue. Tourism has powerful vested interests that will seek to influence the political process such as transport operators and hoteliers. Such kind of groups may also oppose measures to make tourism more sustainable. Rather than giving importance to the merits of tourism view point, the government and local communities are taking the tourism decisions for political reasons [Swarbrooke 1999]. The concept of sustainability clearly embraces the environment, people and economic systems. Therefore sustainable tourism is based on; social progress reflecting the needs for everyone, effective protection of environment, prudent use of natural resources, maintenance of high and stable levels of economic growth and employment. According to Swarbrooke 1999, there are number of obstacles that will limit the role of the public sector in tourism, planning and development. They are; Tourism is only a low priority for the public sector and there seems to be a lack of political will to develop sustainable tourism. The concept of public sector planning and regulation are out of fashion Many public sector bodies lack the financial resources required to play a major role in tourism planning and development. There is lack of staff expertise in tourism in most public sector organizations around the world. The series of election affects the willingness of politicians to make the kind of long term decisions on which sustainable tourism depends. Public sector is only a minor player in the tourism industry with least control over tourism products. Sustainable tourism is lead by motives like spirit of enquiry, love of beauty, search for knowledge and respect for nature. It aims at quality tourism which creates least damage to the natural, social and cultural environment. The sustainable tourism hinges upon the overall management as a viable method in sustainable tourist activities. The overall quality approach renders the management of products especially of tourist areas, extremely sensitive to the preferences and expectations of consumers. The private and public profitability of a tourist destination will depend on the client sanitation, since they will return more often and stay longer and will transmit a positive image of their holiday experience to others. However, as these preferences and expectations include the demand for unspoilt settings and consumer satisfaction, the profitability of a tourist spot, will call for the development of strategies for sustainable development [Honnappa, Ramakrishna 2006] Community Based Tourism Tourism can bring both benefits and problems to an area. If well planned, developed and managed, tourism generates local jobs and income and provides opportunities for local entrepreneurs to establish tourism enterprises that lead to improve the living standards of residents [WTO 1998]. Community based tourism includes a range of activities, services and amenities provided by the rural people to attract tourist to their area in order to generate extra income. It is often considered ideal and inherently sustainable as it attracts manageable number of visitors, does not need much infrastructural development , does not consume too much of already scarce resources, does not require high amount of skill base, and provides a source of income to locals besides preserving the local culture and its traditions. One of the main attractions of CBT is the highly personal interactions between the host and the guest where both parties can share knowledge, ideas and experience and as a consequence increase the earnings of local community with minimal investments. Events like, a night out with the locals at their homes, participation in the lesser known village religious or cultural events, an opportunity to participate in local activities like agriculture, fishing or even living with locals and sharing their food, their lives and their occupation could provided the much needed fillip for community based tourism [Mello 2008]. Tourism can bring both benefits and problems to the local society and its cultural patterns. Although more difficult to measure than economic or environmental impacts, socio -cultural impacts are major considerations in developing tourism in any place. These impacts can be especially critical in countries that still have strongly traditional economies and societies. Despite the fact that tourism can generate socio -cultural impacts, it is obvious that any kind of new development brings changes. Tourism is one of the important sources that can bring changes in a society. A well planned, developed and managed tourism in a socially responsible manner can bring some kinds of socio -cultural benefits such as Improves the living standards of people and helps pay for improvements to community facilities and services, if the economic benefits of tourism are well distributed. Conserves the cultural heritage of an area which otherwise might be lost as a result of general development taking place. Conservation of archeological and historic sites was referred to under environmental impacts. In some places tourism can be the impetus for revitalizing cultural patterns which might be disappearing. Reinforces or even renews a sense of pride of residents I their culture, when they observe tourists appreciating it. Helps develop and maintain museums, theatres and other cultural facilities supported by tourism but the residents can also enjoy it. Tourism provides an opportunity for cross culture exchange between tourists and residents who learn about, and come to respect one anothers culture. This exchange can be best be achieved through certain forms of tourism educational and other types of special interest tours, village tourism and home visit programmes whereby tourist can arrange to visit local families. Homestay Tourism It was noted that these days, the craze for home stay tourism is increasing. This is because now people have less time an in that less time they want to experience all that they can of the culture of the people. Home stay is one of the most recent opportunities for tourism business owners to lure the customers and at the same time maximize profit (Sunderland, S., Nelson, R. (1995), pp. 53-74). In this tourism, the host or the business owner allows the tourist to stay at their own houses or at specially designed huts such that they get first -hand information about the culture, and place they are visiting (Sunderland, S., Nelson, R. (1995), pp. 53-74).3-74). These Homestay businesses are running on a small scale by families allowing tourists to stay with them and to enjoy the food, lodging and other requirements. In lieu to these services, the person will give the household a fixed amount of money that fixed earlier. In this way both the person and the visitor also benefitted (Sunderl and, S., Nelson, R. (1995), pp. 53-74). There are cases in Kerala where traditional huts are also constructed so that the tourists and come and stay with the people to have the feel of life in the rural society (Thomas, K.W. (1992), pp.651-717). This led to the evolution of the home stay system as they get a chance to interact with the local people and host and gain first -hand experience about the place (Sunderland, S., Nelson, R. (1995), pp. 53-74). Home stay tourism is also a variant of ecotourism and primarily ensures in focusing that the tourists to give an experience of the rural lifestyle (Sunderland, S., Nelson, R. (1995), pp. 53-74). However, Kerala faces many social and economic problems in this. The culture of the host and the guest meet and so there are changes of hurting the sentiments of one another (Sunderland, S., Nelson, R. (1995), pp. 53-74). In addition, there are sometimes cases when the guest is not satisfied at the service given in that host (Hofstede, G. (2001), pp. 34-45). As the sceneries and sceni c beauty and hospitality of Kerala are great, this has been using as a marketing strategy to explore the prospects of tourism in Kerala (Sunderland, S., Nelson, R. (1995), pp. 53-74). This interest of the people to get mixed with the local culture of the people help in making rural tourism so popular in Kerala (Hofstede, G. (2001), pp. 34-45). These will be described in detail in the research work. Definitions of Homestay Tourism It is comparable to bed and breakfasts, but even less formal. A home stay property is a non commercialized, private residence that accommodates paying guest(s) who enjoy staying in the comfort and security of a family home. These guests often reside in the family home for an extended period of time, usually months rather than days. It is a safe, affordable means of housing popular amongst international students, interns, travelling professionals and adult visitors from other countries, who are looking to experience and learn about local lifestyle and culture [cited on:] Homestay is one type of tourism that promotes interaction between host families and tourists [cited on:] Homestay tourism refers to one pattern of tourism with emphasis on ecotourism and community based tourism, in which tourists will stay over night with the host in the villages. The hosts have to support visitors like a member of the family and involve them in all kinds of activities and shared experiences. These activities have the objective of learning about locals life style and livelihood of residents in the community [Phonwiset, Yomsatharn, Chusakul 2008 cited on:].

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Propaganda and Its Effect on America Essay -- Advertising Advertisemen

Propaganda and Its Effect on America Thesis: Propaganda was a tool that leaders used to get people involved in wars of the past. Propaganda, a term that only reminds people of corruption and manipulation. Others, it reminds of advertising and raising American spirit. Well, they are both right. [â€Å"Propaganda† Pg. 1, sec.1]   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Propaganda is a specific type of message presentation aimed at serving an agenda. At its root, propaganda is to propagate (spread around) a certain position or point of view, rather than just reporting the facts. Most propaganda is associated with politics or war time. It is used to help unite countries, especially the U.S. in the past. [Pg. 1, sec. 1] Most propaganda that people have heard of came from World War II in Nazi, Germany. They would be surprised to learn that the U.S. has done the same thing in the past. [Pg. 1, sec. 1]   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Before World War I, uninterrupted public support was thought to be critical to all the wartime effort. In 1917, Wilson created the War Aims Committee on Public Information (CPI) to promote World War One Nationally, while advertising America overseas. Under the guidance of a journalist named Creel, the CPI gathered people from different aspects all over the world. The CPI mixed advertising techniques with a refined understanding of human psychology; its efforts represent the first time that a modern government distributed propaganda on such a large scale. It is intriguing that this occurrence, often linked with totalitarianism, emerged in a democratic state. [Pg. 1, sec. 14] Also, being that video was more popular than written propaganda, they begin to make videos. One propaganda video I came across was of an American citizen pretending to be a Japanese man in a very racially discriminating way. The man was obviously a fake Japanese man who was made to look Japanese by using stereotypes and donning a very obviously fake Japanese accent. [â€Å"My Japan† Pg. 2, sec. 2]   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The video went on to try and convince Americans at home that Japan was to strong and formidable opponent in the war using Japanese newsreels. By using stereotypes and fear (see â€Å"Types of Propaganda†), America was trying to get America to accept their idea that the war was a good thing. [Pg. 2, sec. 2] Yet another example would be around Pearl Harbor. Right after Pearl Harbor, propaganda helped unite people in ... ...I. They were also a measure to manage inflation by removing money from the economy heated up by war efforts. [Pg. 1] By the end of WWII, over 85 million Americans had invested in war bonds, a number unmatched by any other country; and most of the credit can be given to propaganda. If a country had a mass of supporters it has a better chance of winning then a country that has to fight with only government funding and no supporters. Frankly, it would be a whole easier to strike fear into another country if you have more supporters to go along with a large army of well-trained soldiers. [Pg. 2]   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  To some people, the only reason we won any war was because of propaganda. They might also consider it sad that we had to manipulate America in order to get support, of course, that is their opinion. Maybe it wasn’t more of manipulation; maybe propaganda could be considered a â€Å"push† rather than a total brainwash. The U.S. is a democracy, and the survival of democracy depends on the ability of people to make decisions based on information; propaganda would be an easy and efficient way to get people this information and therefore give them the choice to support an idea or not. [ Rooij 2]

Monday, November 11, 2019

Music of the 20th Century Essay

In this history of music and arts, every period has its own characteristic style which is associated with the society from which it originated. The period of the 19th and 20th century perceived the two world wars, and had been a period of many changes: advancement in technology, a period of many inventions such as the telephone, television, electronic light, computers, cassette tapes, synthesizers, CD players, and many others. Because of this inventions, experimentations were made in the field of music and arts. Claude Debussy (1862-1918) He studied with Guiraud and others at the Paris Conservatoire and as prizewinner went to Rome, though more important Impressions came from his visits to Bayreuth and from hearing Javaneese music in Paris. Debussy and Impressionism The Impressionist style of painting developed in the late 19th century in France. Although the Impressionist movement did not exclusively consist of French artists, it did start in France and the French painters are among the most well-known. Several earlier artistic movements, such as Classicism and Realism, influenced the Impressionist painters. In 1855, a World Fair was held in Paris, and art was given significant attention. This contributed to Paris’ reputation as the center of the art world and the place to be for aspiring painters, such as the group that would come to be known as the Impressionists. Impressionism is a style borrowed from painting which creates an illusion of light and atmosphere by using colors side by side instead of blending them. The artist avoids realism in favor of conveying impressions. Nocturnes Achille-Claude Debussy, 1862-1918, Nocturnes. Completed December 15, 1899 (at 3 a.m., according to an inscription on the manuscript), first performance October 27, 1901, in Paris. Scored for 3 flutes, 2 oboes, English horn, 2 clarinets, 3 bassoons, 4 horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba, cymbals, snare drums, tympani, 2 harps, female chorus, and strings. 1. Nuages- (Clouds) Debussy pictures the sky with slow and melancholy passages of clouds. The warmth of Nuages recalls a summer love affair. 2. Fetes- (Festivals) is a restrained yet joyous celebration, the sort that generates lifelong memories without ever disturbing the neighbors. 3. Sirenes- (Sirens) builds on a simple two-note motives to seduce the listeners into Debussy’s river, just as dangerously as the mythological beauties who have lured innumerable sailors to their doom over the centuries. The Music of Bela Bartok Bela Bartok (1881-1945), a Hungarian, is considered a famous progressive modern musical composer, a great pianist, teacher and researcher. He was one of the leaders of Hungarian nationalism and made use of the Hungarian folk tunes in his music. Just like Stravinsky, he was one of the composers who belonged to the movement of Neo-Classicism: a return to the simplicity of Classicism and combining of modern sound with classic form. His style is characterized by rhythms which are percussive and intricate because of the influence of the Hungarian dance patterns. He used polyrhythm, which means using two or more different rhythms played at the same time. In some of his compositions like â€Å"Six Dances in Bulgarian Rhythm, no.1†, you will notice the irregular grouping of beats. Polytonality, which is the simultaneous combination of two or more tonalities in a composition, can also be found in Bartok’s compositions. Antonio Molina and Impressionism Dr. Antonio Molina (1894-1980) was one of the 20th century composers who wrote art music. He was considered the â€Å"Claude Debussy of the Philippines† because he was the first to introduce several important devices, technically characteristics of impressionism in music. One of Molina’s popularly known, compositions is â€Å"Hatinggabi†. Another composition of Molina is â€Å"Dancing Fool†. In this composition, he made use of the whole tone scale and used it as a descriptive device. Schoenberg and Expressionism Arnold Schoenberg (1874-1951) Austrian composer, Schoenberg’s development of the twelve-tone method of composition was a turning point in the 20th century music. He was a self taught musician. Another philosophy of art which affected the music of the 20th century is expressionism. It is a style which seeks to express emotion with exaggerations rather than represent the physical world. The followers of the movement believe that this world is full of tension, and people are irrational, rebellious and scared to be alone. Expressionism Many of the 20th music reflects an artistic movement called expressionism, which stress intense and subjective emotion. Painters, writers, and composers explored inner feelings rather than depicting outward appearances. The expressionists rejected conventional prettiness. Arnold Schoenberg was known for the radical sound of his music. In this song cycle, â€Å"Pierrot Lunaire†, he made use of different style of singing which is called Sprechstimme. Pierrot Lunaire calls for unusual style of vocal performance halfway between speaking and singing. Sprechstimme Literally it means speech voice. It is a manner of performing a song which sounds half-sung and half-spoken. Multimeter is identified, by the time signature, a fractional symbol in which the numerator specifies the number of beats per bar, and the denominator specifies the relative note value assigned to one beat. Syncopation (Accent) the suppression of an expected rhythmic accent by the continuation of an accented tone that begins just before it. The Music of Stravinsky Igor Stravinsky (1882-1971) A Russian composer, later of French (1934) and American nationality. Stravinsky was regarded as the world’s greatest composer. His once revolutionary works were modern classics. Like Debussy and Schoenberg, Stravinsky a composer from Russia, was also one of the 20th century composers who established new trends in music, instead of just using the new trends in his music, he combined the traditional and modern trends. Electronic Music Music that requires knowledge or use of electronic devices to produce or manipulate sounds during its composition and performances. With the advancement in technology, many composers are experimenting new sound sources such as electronic, environmental and other non-tonal sound. Traditional instruments are used but in different way. Even computers, cassette tape recorders, and synthesizers are used. Concrete Music Music created by reworking natural sounds recorded on discs or tapes. Filipino Contemporary Composer Nicanor Abelardo (1893-1934)- Our foremost Kundiman composer also showed the elements of modernism in his music. This is heard in his â€Å"Cinderella Overture† and â€Å"Sinfonietta for Strings† Dr. Lucrecia Kasilag (1918-)- Neo-classicist. The music of Kasilag is unique in which she was able to combine the music of the east and west. This is shown in her Tocatta (1958) were she made used of the piano, clarinet, oboe kulintang and turiray. The Kuiliontang is very prominent in her â€Å"Concert Divertisement†. Dr. Jose Maceda (1917-)- is the pioneer and exponent of avant-garde music in our country. When he was in France, he joined the Music Concrete movement. An example of his work is â€Å"Ugnayan†(1974). Most of Maceda’s composition make use of a large number of people and the environment. Dr.Ramon Santos (1941-)- Another way of combining western and non-western materials and structures is shown by Dr. Ramon Santos. He made use of Asian material in his new way of composing. We will hear in his composition new concept and system of composing which he learned from his studies abroad. At present there is a group of young composers who are active in promoting this so called New Music. Some of them are Ryan Cayabyab, Chino Toledo, Laverne Dela Pena, Arlene Chongson,and Jonas Baes.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Genetic Engineering and the Law Essay

To understand the ethical implications of genetic engineering, we must first understand what genetic engineering is. Genes are units that code for specific characteristics. Such characteristics are hair and eye colour and we inherit these from our parents. It is chromosomes in the cell nuclei than enable your body to inherit features or, more specifically, it is the DNA that makes up the chromosomes that forms a unique genetic code for every human being (apart from identical twins). It is estimated that the human body has around 50,000 to 100,000 different genes contained inside, some of which have been linked to certain diseases. Scientists claim to have identified 4,000 conditions that are linked to just one fault or defect in a persons genetic makeup, which is where genetic engineering comes in. At present a project is taking place to identify the function of every gene in the human body. ‘The Human Genome Project’ aims to uncover the cause for many diseases and find a cure for them. One such way, is genetic engineering. Genetic engineering, as a cure for disease, is the removal of a defective gene sequence and the remodelling of it. But this isn’t the only definition given for genetic engineering. Compassion in World Farming describes it as ‘the taking of genes from one species of plant or animal and inserting them into a completely different species’. It is obvious, therefore, that genetic engineering is used for different things, in different situations. In this essay I will look at some of the varying uses genetic engineering has in today’s world and the ethical implications of such uses. Genetic Engineering and the Law At present human cloning is illegal in the UK, although there are many countries were such a law does not exist. And although, technically, it may be possible to clone humans in the way animals have been, the Act of Parliament strictly forbids ‘ever doing with human eggs what we have done with sheep eggs’ Dr Ron James Head of PPL Therapeutics. Nor are scientists allowed to mass produce human eggs for in-vitro fertilisation- something that many scientists have been pushing for for years. Genetically modified crops are also strictly controlled by the law. Such UK laws include: The Genetically Modified Organisms (Contained Use) Regulations 1992 and The Genetically Modified Organisms (Deliberate Release) Regulations 1992. These laws are in addition to the standard For Safety Act which specifies that food ‘must be fit for consumption’. Several government bodies have been set up to assess and regulate GM foods including ACNFP, COT, FAC and, the most important, The Department of Environment. The DOE requires tat anyone proposing a release must apply to them for consent first. It is then advised by the Advisory Committee on Release to the Environment on the granting of consents. At a European level, the Regulation on Novel Foods and Food Ingredients was introduced in May 1997 and covers labelling of foods ‘no longer equivalent’ to it’s conventional counterparts. But despite the introduction of laws, many people are still unhappy, and are pushing for further action. For example the CIWF believe GM meat should be clearly labelled, although they also say it should not be sold in the first place. They see the genetic engineering of farm animals for food as cruel and unnecessary. But the question remains: are they right? Few people know the implications of genetic engineering and what it really involves and many are ignorant of what to expect from GM. Genetic Engineering and Animals/ Humans Everyone knows the story of the first cloned animal. The Finn Dorset sheep, known as Dolly, was the first new-born mammal to be cloned from adult cells and is a miracle for scientists the world over. She had opened many new windows of opportunity for scientists who hope to soon be able to clone humans using the same technology. The possibilities really are endless. A single cell from an elite racehorse could be used to create hundreds of identical copies, each with the same elite genetic makeup. However pleasing this heady new discovery is, there is a widespread argument over whether or not cloning is right. Is it simply a wonderful new way to develop a generation of disease-free animals and humans or is it tampering with nature and playing God? Many people see it as the answer to all problems, that screening can reveal vital information about a person’s life span and health future. Genetic engineering could, in theory, identify genetic defects early on, giving time to replace the faulty gene and cure the sufferer. Predicting disease is a major use for genetic engineering and one that could change the way we live forever. At present scientist are working on a genetic test known as the GeneChip. They claim in a few years doctors will be able to take a simple mouth swab and, using the GeneChip, look through your DNA for disease prospects. Although they have come under fire from their critics, geneticists argue that anyone is entitled to know what their future holds for the health-wise. Indeed they say the information can be vital for planning out the rest of your life if, for example, you are a woman with a likelihood to develop breast cancer. Pre-natal diagnosis is also another option that could soon be open to the public. Parents could be made aware of any flaws there may be in their child’s DNA and could decide whether or not to carry on with the pregnancy. Genetic engineering could also be used to grow substances like human insulin and growth hormone on a huge level. Currently scientists are looking at introducing blood-clotting genes for haemophiliacs and purifying milk from GM sheep for the treatment of cystic fibrosis. They are also hoping to study presently incurable diseases in the hope they might be able to introduce a cure using genetic engineering. There are also high hopes for animals in genetic engineering. Transgenic animals (or those that have been given a gene from another animal) have many uses. They can produce more meat and milk, feeding the starving, and they can grow faster, with the possibility of less fatty meat. They can be bred to resist disease, but also develop disease so they might be tested on for further research. A biotechnology firm in Cambridge is working on a transgensic pig that could be bred to grow desperately needed organs for transplant into human beings. The technique can also be used to ‘knock out genes’, deleting proteins so that they might prevent BSE in cows. But it isn’t all good news for genetic engineering, in fact there is a lengthy and strong argument as to why it is dangerous to go to take it to these levels. Many have disagreed with the predicting of disease, saying that many people may not be able to cope with the knowledge that they may contract a terminal disease- it could ruin lives. Also there has been widespread outcry over the Association of Insurance Brokers’ announcement that it will not offer life insurance over i 100,100 to anyone who had taken a genetic test that had predicted fatal disease and since 1995 there has been pressure form MP’s to develop a code of practise concerning genetic screening. There are also fears of employers discriminating against potential employees who have the potential for life threatening illness in later life. Although scientists hope genetic engineering will provide many choices for parents, the BMA has voiced it’s concerns that the industry will cause ‘selective breeding’ or the choice to abort a baby because of undesirable characteristics such as physical traits. The BMA have also said people have been mislead about the power to screen for later abnormalities. It says ‘The number of abnormalities which can be detected in this way is limited and few of the tests are conclusive’. The problem many people have with genetic engineering is the risk of error that is involved. Screening is complex and it is difficult to be precise every time. Faulty diagnosis could put an end to job prospects or insurance benefits, not to mention the psychological problems arising from finding out you have the potential to contract a fatal disease.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The Great Train Robbery essays

The Great Train Robbery essays The setting for The Great Train Robbery was Victorian England during the middle of the nineteenth century. It was very similar to the setting of The Count of Monte Cristo, except for not taking place in France. Michael Crichton researched the time period very well. He makes the reader feel like they are living in England during that time. The main characters name is Edward Pierce. He is a mysterious gentleman. No one knows anything about his past. Most people assume that he has just inherited a large fortune. No one would assume that he is a master cracksman about to attempt an unthinkable crime. The crime is stealing gold bullion from a train. Once a month a large bank in London transfers 12,000 of gold to a branch in France. The gold goes by train and steamboat. The gold is transferred from the bank to the railway station by an armed coach. Then it is put into top of the line safes. There are two on the train and each of them needs two keys to open. After the train the bullion is placed on a boat that takes it the rest of the way. It took about one years time from when Pierce started planning until he had the gold. First, he found a screws man named Agar. Agar was a master with keys and locks. Pierce was very cautious and didnt tell Agar the plan. Then they copied the keys. The four keys were in different locations. Two were at the railway office at the train station. One was in the control of Edgar Trent, the senior partner of the bank. The fourth key belonged to Henry Fowler, a friend of Pierce and a manager for the bank. Pierce planned to make replicas of the keys, but he had to have access to them to do so. He started dating Mr. Trents daughter to find out where the first key was. She let enough information slip for Pierce to know the general vicinity of it. He snuck into the Trent residence with Agar. They found the key and copied it. Fowler kept his key on ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Solve the questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Solve the questions - Essay Example Their aim is to dispose the toxic materials easily as they gain profits. According to the video, only this type of obsolescence is excellent in throwing 99% of the industrial toxic materials (Leonard). Perceived obsolescence is whereby a company makes stuff looks new and attractive. They do this through advertising. They come up with certain advertising strategies making the products look more fashionable compared to the current ones. 3. Personally, I think the two types of obsolescence are true and real. There are certain products available in the markets that are not needed, in any way, due to their low quality and price. This may probe a question on how such products were acquired. Therefore, I believe that such products are as a result of planned obsolescence. Some popular products that look appealing to the eye due to constant advertisement are not always satisfactory or good during consumption (Leonard). This is a similar case to the mentioned golden arrow. It looks nice but can easily affect the life of a person or kill. 4. The solution to this is by having a real government that is responsible and concerned about the citizens’ lives. From here, we can move on by throwing all the disposals away to ensure that nothing is destroyed. Finally, we will put the system of production, extraction, consumption and distribution together, in order to form a continuous or constant circulation system. From the system, we’ll get equity, sustainability, zero waste and closed loop of

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Wet Lab. Cellular Replacement Therapy And Stem Cell Research Essay

Wet Lab. Cellular Replacement Therapy And Stem Cell Research - Essay Example When embryonic mouse stem cells were isolated more than 25 years ago, the significance of the discovery was soon realized. (Keller, 2005) there are many researchers and hold out hope for cellular replacement therapy arising from stem cell research. Specifically, embryonic stem cells, also known as ES - pluripotent cells are of great concern. They exhibit the potential to differentiate into a variety of final tissue types when they reach their ultimate, fully matured state. Embryonic stem cell lines are usually derived from a blastocyst, or in some cases an earlier stage of embryonic development. The 150 cells which at most comprise the blastocyst are able to differentiate into all types of body tissues. (Stem Cell Information, 2009) Most immediately, a pluripotent stem cell will give rise to the primary germ layers: ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm. From these layers, other cells and tissues differentiate but ultimately give rise to all internal organs of the future organism. (Schole r, 2007) Other types of stem cells, further in development also have uses in research and therapy; multipotent stem cells have some flexibility, but usually only within a closely related family of cells, such as cardiac tissue, blood cells. Furthermore, the cells can become Unipotent cells - which are not themselves per se, because they can only produce new cells of the exact same type. On the other end of the spectrum, are totipotent stem cells, these are fertilized zygotes which have the potential to grow into an entire individual, an embryonic stem cell from a blastocyst does not qualify.(Scholer, 2007) Cells can also be classified in terms of progenitor or precursor. Precursors exhibit recognizable traits of the function type they will become, while Progenitors are not outwardly committed to a cell type. (Rabbany et al. 2003) An extensive variety of proteins are responsible for differentiation of which much more research is needed. We are only now discovering the functions of re gulatory operators such as Shp2, or transforming growth factor-?, that aids in the expression of chorionic gonadotropin.(Burnham Institute, 2009), (Keller, 2005) A well-studied pathway is the process of hematopoiesis, by which stem cells give rise to various types of blood cells. (Mackey, 2001) There are essentially two branches to the hematopoietic differentiation process: the lineage beginning with a myeloid progenitor, and the lineage stemming from the common lymphoid progenitor. (Parslow et al. 1997) The lymphoid progenitor arises from the multi-potential Hemocytoblast. The lymphoid progenitor differentiates into what are described as T cells. Differentiation is possible into the natural killer cells, CD4 and CD8 types, known as large granular lymphocytes, from which no further cell lines arise. But the lymphoid progenitor can also become the small lymphocyte. This stem cell has the potential to become a T-lymphocyte helper cell, or a B lymphocyte, which can further differentiat e into plasma cells from which antibodies are produced. (Leishman et al. 2001), (Obeyesekere et al. 2004) But the hemocytoblast from which these types arise produces more cell types along the myeloid lineage. The myeloid progenitor can differentiate into four other cell lines; erythrocytes – otherwise known as oxygen-carrying red blood cells. Immature erythrocytes can be identified by the presence of a nucleus, since they are similar in size and shape to mature erythrocytes – but a nucleus is ejected from the cell upon reaching full differentiation. (Ownby, 2002) Another differentiation event results in mast cells, whose release of histamine and heparin is responsible for many allergic reactions including anaphylaxis. Myeloid progenitors can also